As you know
we are currently planning a significant event for November this year – our
inaugural forum: Our health
– who decides?
There are a
group of 13 Network members who are working together to bring you a
thought-provoking, exciting and engaging event. We are committed to delivering
an event that is people-focused and that is underpinned by the values of
courage, empowerment, shared responsibility and fairness.
So far the following
presenters have agreed to be involved. To stay up to date, you are invited to
follow this blog (scroll down on left side):
Ron Labonte: Ronald Labonte is
Canada Research Chair in Globalization & Health Equity, Institute of
Population Health , and Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Community
Medicine, at the University of Ottawa , and Adjunct Professor, Department of
Community Health and Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan . He is the
former Director of the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research
Unit (SPHERU), a bi-university interdisciplinary research organization he
created and led from 1999 until 2004, that was committed to “engaged research”
on population health determinants at local, national and global levels. Ron is
a founding member of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, and a
past board member of provincial and national public health associations in
Canada. He recently worked with international colleagues in preparing The
Global Health Watch, an ‘alternative world health report,’ released in July,
Fran Baum is Professor of
Public Health and Director of the Southgate Institute of Health, Society and
Equity, and the South Australian Community Health Research Unit, at Flinders
University. Professor Baum is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in
Australia, and one of Australia's leading researchers on the social and
economic determinants of health. In 2008 she was awarded a prestigious Australian
Research Council Federation Fellowship focusing on development of effective
government and community responses to social determinants of health inequity
and social exclusion. She holds several other national competitive grants
investigating aspects of health inequity, and has an extensive teaching career
in public health. Professor Baum's numerous publications relate to social
determinants of health, including Aboriginal people's health, health
inequities, primary health care, health promotion, Healthy Cities, and social
capital. Her text book The New Public Health (3rd ed. 2008 OUP) is widely used
as a core public health text.

Marinova is Professor
of Sustainability at Curtin
University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute (WA). Dora’s involvement
and interest in interdisciplinary research started during her PhD studies with
the development of a novel method for measuring the effects of R&D
investment on economic development. Her background in engineering, mathematics
and economics allows her to cross boundaries between social sciences and
science research, policy strategies and engineering, demography and community
development, university, industry and civil society.
Brinkam is
a social epidemiologist with the majority of her research focusing on
societies' impact on child development. Sally is a Senior Research Fellow and
Program Manager Faculty Member at the world renowned Telethon Institute for
Child Health Research in Perth. Sally is also the Co-Director of the
Fraser Mustard Centre, an innovative new initiative between the Telethon
Institute for Child Health Research and the South Australia Department of
Education and Child Development aimed to improve research translation. Sally is
well known for spearheading the use of the Early Development Instrument (EDI)
in Australia, being the first to pilot the instrument outside of Canada. Sally
continues to work across the country to help facilitate the use of the Australian
EDI (AEDI) working with communities, service providers and governments. Locally
Sally consults to the Department of Children's Services Policy Directorate
primarily around data-linkage, the Children's Centres Operational Group around
evaluation, and the SA AEDI Team around community advocacy and research
translation. Internationally, Sally works with Governments and donor
organisations such as the World Bank, UNICEF, AusAid and the Bernard Van Leer
Foundation working with various measures of child development for monitoring
and evaluation purposes. Sally has over 50 publications including books,
chapters, monographs and journal articles covering topics such as infant
mouthing behaviours, child physical activity and nutrition levels, the
measurement of alcohol related violence, the evaluation of teenage pregnancy
prevention programs, how child development varies across communities and the
impact of socio economics and service integration on child development. As such
Sally brings locally, nationally and internationally recognised epidemiological
skills particularly in relation to population monitoring of child development
and education. She has a commitment to practical, pragmatic and
translatable research.
To assist
your fellow members in their efforts to make this event both memorable and
significant we invite you to be involved. There are a number of ways you can
participate NOW including:
Financial support: Does your organisation have the
capacity to contribute some funding toward this event, or to fund a particular
aspect of it such as the involvement of an international speaker? If so, we’d
like to hear from you. The Network does not have any funding to run this event
and therefore we are looking for support from organisations that are able to
help out.
Tell everyone: Help us promote this event and
encourage people to put it in their diaries.
Invite someone else: Think about inviting a peer who might not
ordinarily think that their work is about health, a neighbour, a politician,
your come with you to this forum. This event is for everyone who has
ever wondered, “Why, despite
the vast resources spent on health care, is there still so much ill health and
health inequality?”
We look
forward to bringing you more news about our progress shortly and also look
forward to hearing from you about how you can assist.
Wow! What a line up. Very exciting indeed to have such esteemed speakers. Should be an event not to be missed.