12 June 2013

Latest news sent to the Network 12 May 2013

Book Club this Friday in Hobart

Anyone who is reading Gavin Mooney’s last book, The Health of Nations, (as well as anyone interested) is welcome to come along to a one hour discussion this Friday 14 June - please contact me for details.

Items of interest

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
Please go to http://www.mrchobart.org.au/announcements/tasmania-our-place-refugee-week-photographic-exhibtion-opening-friday-14-june-6pm-on-view-to-27-june for an invitation to the launch of the Refugee Week exhibition 2013 at the Moonah Arts Centre on Friday 14 June at 6.00pm.

Drug Action Week - 16-22 June 2013 - The Drug Education Network (DEN) would like to invite you to attend the Launch of Drug Action Week 2013 - 7:30 am – 9:00 am - Monday 17th June 2013 - Churchill Room, Salamanca Inn, 10 Gladstone Street Hobart - Please bring along some information to promote your service to attendees. Please RSVP to admin@den.org.au or 1300 369 319 asap! .

A collaborative newsletter between the Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drugs Council and the Mental Health Council of Tasmania: http://www.redaction.com.au/2013_06_04_Jointforces_4thed.pdf

Applications now open for the Heart Foundation Australian Indigenous Scholarship
Applications Close: Friday 28 June 2013 (5pm AEST). We are contacting you to ask you to help spread the word about the $40,000 pro rata per annum scholarship the Heart Foundation is offering. Our funding will support an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Island person to study for a research degree (PhD or Masters) in any area of research that is relevant to cardiovascular health (including biomedical, clinical, public health and health services research). The Heart Foundation is a co-signatory to the national Close the Gap campaign and we are committed to improving the life expectancy and quality of life of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  As part of our plan, we are increasing our commitment to supporting and using research to benefit Indigenous Australians by providing the Australian Indigenous Scholarship. We would like to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to apply for the scholarship so that we can continue to strategically drive cardiovascular research and facilitate high quality research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of cardiovascular disease that effects all Australians. The generous award provides a stipend of $40,000 pro rata per annum for up to 2 years for Masters and up to 3 years for PhD. Part time scholarships for longer periods may be considered. Further information is available on the Heart Foundation website about the Australian Indigenous Scholarship. Please share this opportunity with anyone who you feel might like to apply.  If you are able to assist us by including the information in any publications or websites, please contact Ernie Kocsis on 03 9321 1581. 

How integrated are homelessness, mental health and drug and alcohol services in Australia? Final report:
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI); 13 May 2013. This is the final report of a project that focused on the integration of mental health and drug and alcohol services for homeless people in two states and documented the mechanisms and effectiveness of such linkages.

Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes – a great article!

State of the World’s Children 2013 Children with Disabilities
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), New York, May 30 2013 , Website: http://uni.cf/18yEt7n, PDF file [150p.] at: http://uni.cf/15eBTzG
Children with disabilities have the same rights as all children but are some of the most invisible and marginalized people in the world according to a United Nations report released today, which cites recommendations on how to actively include children with disabilities in civic, social and cultural affairs so that both they and their communities benefit.

Alcohol Policy in Canada
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The CAMH Alcohol Policy Framework (http://www.camh.ca/en/hospital/about_camh/influencing_public_policy/Documents/4854-AlcoholPolicyFramework.pdf) reviews the evidence around alcohol-related harm, discusses best practices for the prevention of alcohol problems, and outlines principles for an Ontario approach to alcohol policy in which the sale and consumption of alcohol are regulated with public health and safety as primary concerns. This document may prove useful to organizations and individuals engaged in public health, policy, and/or advocacy work in the area of alcohol.

The State of Food and Agriculture 2013 (SOFA)
Food Systems for Better Nutrition:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO
FAO urges end of malnutrition as priority --------Social and economic costs of global malnutrition unacceptable………….Twenty six percent of all children under five are stunted

Maternal and Child Nutrition - The Lancet Series 2013, The Lancet, published June 6, 2013
Available at http://www.thelancet.com/series/maternal-and-child-nutrition?elsca1=TW&elsca2=socialmedia. If you can’t access these articles and want something in particular please let me (Miriam) know and I will get it for you
"Nutrition is crucial to both individual and national development. The evidence in this Series furthers the evidence base that good nutrition is a fundamental driver of a wide range of developmental goals. The post-2015 sustainable development agenda must put addressing all forms of malnutrition at the top of its goals".
Global nutrition policy review What does it take to scale up nutrition action?, World Health Organization 2013, Available online at:
“Malnutrition is found worldwide and is linked, either directly or indirectly, to major causes of death and disability. More than one third of all child deaths are attributable to undernutrition. Many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in Africa, have not achieved significant reductions in underweight, stunting or vitamin and mineral malnutrition. Wasting is still widespread, and essential infant and young child feeding practices are not improving in those low- and middle-income countries. At the same time, the rates of overweight and obesity are rising.”

European Environment Agency, 2013, European Union, 2013, Available online PDF [106p.] at: http://bit.ly/10Tytys
“……. This report outlines a number of environmental issues with a direct influence on people's health and well-being and is a follow-up and update to the 2005 EEA/JRC report.
As highlighted in EEA's The European Environment — state and outlook 2010 the policy focus is increasingly shifting from single environmental pollution issues towards systemic challenges regarding the maintenance of ecosystem resilience and the delivery of ecosystem services to human society. Climate change is a good example with its combined impacts on food and water security, heat waves, flooding risks and potential spread of diseases“……The current, predominantly hazard-focused and compartmentalised approach to environment and health is insufficient to address interconnected and interdependent challenges, such as climate change, depletion of resources, ecosystem degradation, the obesity epidemic, and persistent social inequality. The policy focus therefore needs to be widened to social and other policy domains, such as consumption, resource efficiency, natural capital, ecosystem services and spatial planning. This implies a greater need for a multidisciplinary and multi‑stakeholder dialogue to take account of values and attitudes.
Climate mitigation is an area where complex systemic interactions, feedbacks and trade-offs are particularly obvious. A shift towards renewable (bio-based) energy may have consequences for food security and human well-being, as energy cropping increasingly competes with food production. Where it replaces extensive farming systems, a negative side-effect on biodiversity and landscape amenity values can also be expected, affecting, for example, recreation opportunities.

World of Work Report 2013: Repairing the economic and social fabric
The study analyses the global employment situation five years after the start of the global financial crisis. It looks at labour market performance and projections both at the global and regional levels. Full report PDF at: http://www.ilo.org/global/research/global-reports/world-of-work/2013/WCMS_214476/lang--en/index.htm
Main Findings:
·         Five years after the global financial crisis, the global employment situation remains uneven, with emerging and developing economies recovering much faster than the majority of advanced economies. Employment rates (the proportion of people of working age who have a job) exceed pre-crisis levels in 30 per cent of the countries analysed. In 37 per cent of the countries, employment rates have increased in recent years, but not enough to return to the pre-crisis situation, while in the remaining 33 per cent of countries, employment rates have continued to decline. Based on current trends, employment rates across emerging and developing economies will return to pre-crisis levels in 2015; while employment rates in advanced economies will only return to the precrisis situation after 2017.
·         At the global level, the number of unemployed people will continue to increase unless policies change course. Global unemployment is expected to approach 208 million in 2015, compared with slightly over 200 million at the time of publication.
·         Key labour market weaknesses that preceded the crisis have remained acute or worsened, even in high-growth economies. For example, over the past 5 years, the incidence of long-term unemployment (the share of unemployed persons out of work for 12 months or more) has increased in 60 per cent of the advanced and developing economies for which data exist.
·         In addition, many workers have become discouraged and are no longer actively looking for a job. Labour force participation rates decreased between 2007 and 2012 in more than half of the countries analysed.

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