30 October 2015

Just Words Workshop - All welcome

Many thanks to those who supported the launch of Just Words before I went on leave. We will be conducting a workshop about our research on Thursday 19 November 2015 at the Video Conference Room, Level 4, 34 Davey Street Hobart from 10am – 12pm as part of the Health Promotion Community of Practice gatherings. 

We will discuss the findings of our qualitative study exploring how ‘everyday’ people interpret and understand the language of social determinants of health in the context of their own lives and broader society. The study identified deep concerns among community members about health inequity and words without action. The findings have implications for the ways in which health promotion policy, practice and advocacy are framed. We will discuss as a group how we can use the findings of this study in everyday practice.

So if you didn’t attend the launch or you would like the opportunity to discuss it further please come along. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will link to other sites around the state but this will need to be organised beforehand. For further information please contact Rebecca: rebecca.essex@dhhs.tas.gov.au

Here's some great resources you might like to check out

1. How’s life? 2015 Measuring health and wellbeing
How’s Life? describes the essential ingredients that shape people’s well-being in OECD and partner countries. It includes a wide variety of statistics, capturing both material well-being. This third edition includes a special focus on child wellbeing. http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/economics/how-s-life-2015_how_life-2015-en#page1

2. An interesting resource on injury prevention: Canadian Injury Prevention Resourceincludes a deeper dive into the determinants of injury

3. Sick with worry – Stories from the front-line of inequality 2015

4. Addressing social determinants of health inequities through settings: a rapid review

5. Towards health equity: a framework for the application of proportionate universalism

6. Update from Heart Foundation. Please find attached an update on the Heart Foundation’s position regarding suggested legislative amendments to increase the visibility of health and wellbeing as an objective of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. For further information please contact Graeme Lynch - Graeme.Lynch@heartfoundation.org.au

7. Ageing and Health. The World Health Organisation released the World Report on Ageing and Health on the 1st of October.  The report states that health inequities is a key global challenge for the future.  View the full report, fact sheets and media statements at www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs404/en/

8. VicHealth suite of 18 new health equity resources
Evidence tells us that promoting equity in health is best done by understanding and addressing the social conditions that influence health, and how these conditions are distributed unequally in society.  These are called the social determinants of health inequities.  Click here for the full suite.

9. Fantasy paradigms of health inequalities: Utopian thinking ?
Alex Scott-Samuel and Katherine Elizabeth Smith
Social Theory & Health 13, 418-436 (August /November 2015) | doi:10.1057/sth.2015.12

This article argues that, while it can be politically expedient for governments to engage with health inequalities, they cannot, within the confines of neo-liberalism, realistically propose actions that evidence suggests will effectively reduce them – such as tackling power inequalities, social status and connections or class inequality. Indeed, a dominant ‘policy paradigm’ prioritising economic growth restricts the ability of policy actors to imagine alternative, more equitable scenarios. In this context, some policy actors and researchers have devised a parallel fantasy world in which proximal, downstream, easily tackled exposures are posited as potential solutions to health inequalities. The consequence of this is a widespread public sector culture in which well-meaning policymakers, practitioners, researchers and members of the public collude in sustaining a ‘cargo cult’ of health behaviourism. In examining this situation, we draw on accounts and critiques of utopian thinking to help explain: (i) the remarkable persistence of policy proposals to tackle health inequalities via downstream interventions, in spite of the strength of evidence challenging such approaches; and (ii) the limited extent to which more upstream proposals inform policy debates. We argue Ruth Levitas’ notion of ‘utopia as method’ offers an imaginative and potentially useful avenue for future health inequalities research.
http://www.palgrave-journals.com/sth/journal/v13/n3-4/full/sth201512a.html Please email me if you can’t access the full article and would like to read it.

10. A Practitioner’s Guide for Advancing Health Equity-Community strategies for preventing chronic disease

11. Systems change for the social determinants of health

22 August 2015

Just Words

On 21 August 2015, we published the findings of our study, Just Words - what we talk about when we talk about health.

To obtain a copy of the report please send an email to: michael.bentley@utas.edu.au.

Pictured: Robin Banks, Michael Bentley, Ruth Forrest, Miriam Vandenberg, Richard Ecclestone, Cheynee Pullen

27 July 2015

Just words...
What we talk about 
when we talk about health

Please join us on

Friday 21 August 2015
the Long Room in Parliament House, Hobart

for a presentation on the findings of a study into what Tasmanians from all walks of life think about health, the factors that impact upon it & the language we use.
We invite you to join the conversation with our Host:

The Hon. Ruth Forrest MLC, Chair of the Joint Select Committee on Preventative Health Care;

Researchers: Ms Miriam Vandenberg & Dr Michael Bentley;

and Panellists:
· Ms Cheynee Pullen from Gagebrook Community Centre
· Dr Richard Eccleston from the Institute for the Study of Social Change
· Ms Robin Banks, Tasmania’s Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
All welcome to this free event. Light lunch provided. RSVP to socialdeterminantsofhealthtas@gmail.com by 19 August 2015.

This study was undertaken for the Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network (Tasmania)

and funded by the proceeds from the ‘Our Health - who decides?’ Forum held in November 2013.

13 July 2015

SDOHAN - Information to share

2. Invitation to a Lunchtime Conversation – Commissioner for Children
Each month we discuss an issue of interest and importance, that affects children and young people.  At each conversation a speaker with expertise or experience in a particular area will lead the conversation with a short talk. The purpose of this series of conversations is to generate discussions, broaden networks and develop possible strategies to further support or progress issues of importance to children.  Our last Lunchtime Conversation on The Ingredients of a Child Safe Organisation was well attended and well received.

July’s Conversation will be about
Cumulative childhood trauma and its impact on educational outcomes.  This upcoming Lunchtime Conversation will be on held Wednesday 22nd July, between 13.00pm and 1400pm.  It will be held at our office at 119 Macquarie Street, Hobart. 

In Tasmania we are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the need for higher levels of participation in education. The next topic in this series of conversations will focus on the impact of cumulative trauma on children and young people and the impact this has on their education.  More effective support for this cohort of children will ensure greater numbers gain an education. And thus go on to live happier, healthier and more productive lives.
Steve Bentley -  who has recently completed a Churchill Fellowship will be the guest speaker and will give a 30 minute presentation on this topic.  The remainder of the session will be taken up with general conversation related to this topic.

Please RSVP by Monday 20th July 2015.  Please note, places will be limited to the first twenty five people or organisations who RSVP to this invitation.  A light lunch will be provided. If after accepting, you are unable to attend for any reason can you please let us know so we can reallocate your place. RSVPs to Linda Bowen.    linda.bowen@childcomm.tas.gov.au,     Phone – 03 6233 4520.

3. TPPA – Things you need to know
Australian Health Promotion Association

Dear Members
Deborah Gleeson has prepared the following list of very important developments we need to know about the TPPA (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement).  The developments happening are listed below for your information and action where you deem appropriate. 
1.       Fast track: The US Senate passed the ‘fast track’ (Trade Promotion Authority) legislation early yesterday morning. CLICK HERE This has been the main barrier to concluding the TPP negotiations, so they are now likely to be wrapped up in a matter of weeks (although there are still some very contentious issues to be resolved). There is no confirmed date yet for the ministerial meeting, although one news article has suggested mid-July.
2.      Productivity Commission report: The Productivity Commission released a report that is strongly critical of the Australian Government’s approach to trade negotiations generally, and cast a lot of doubt on the claimed benefits of the trade deals recently concluded. It was also highly critical of the TPP negotiations and in particular the lack of transparency: "...the absence of any rigorous and transparent assessment of the agreement before government commitment is a critical failure in transparency." (p. 162). See Peter Martin’s article in the SMH and chapters 4 and 7 of the PC Report.
3.      DFAT information sheet on TPP, and Médecins Sans Frontières' response: DFAT has published a “fact” sheet about the TPP ... MSF has issued a media release in response.  Pat Ranald is also preparing a response.
4.      Senate Inquiry Report, and AFTINET’s response: The report of the Senate Inquiry into the Commonwealth’s Treaty Making Process was released yesterday. AFTINET’s media release  basically argue that the report accurately describes the problems but doesn’t go far enough in its recommendations to fix them. The Greens have apparently issued a dissenting report. 
5.      Human Rights statements: Human rights experts in most of the TPP countries have united to seek a human rights evaluation of the TPP, following a statement by 10 UN human rights experts voicing concerns over the impact of trade and investment agreements on human rights.
6.      Two opinion articles: Michael Moore wrote in the City News about ISDS and Ruth Lopert and Deborah Gleeson  wrote for the Canberra Times on how the TPP could drive us towards an American-style health system

4. How Pop-Up Stores, Origami Shelters And Bus Stop Bedrooms Are Helping Tackle Homelessness

5. Inequalities in health: definitions, concepts, and theories
Global Health Action, [S.l.], v. 8, jun. 2015. ISSN 1654-9880

Individuals from different backgrounds, social groups, and countries enjoy different levels of health. This article defines and distinguishes between unavoidable health inequalities and unjust and preventable health inequities. We describe the dimensions along which health inequalities are commonly examined, including across the global population, between countries or states, and within geographies, by socially relevant groupings such as race/ethnicity, gender, education, caste, income, occupation, and more. Different theories attempt to explain group-level differences in health, including psychosocial, material deprivation, health behavior, environmental, and selection explanations. Concepts of relative versus absolute; dose–response versus threshold; composition versus context; place versus space; the life course perspective on health; causal pathways to health; conditional health effects; and group-level versus individual differences are vital in understanding health inequalities. We close by reflecting on what conditions make health inequalities unjust, and to consider the merits of policies that prioritize the elimination of health disparities versus those that focus on raising the overall standard of health in a population.

How to obtain this article: click here.

6. Advocacy for Health Equity: A Synthesis Review
Linden Farrer, Claudia Marinetti, Yoline Kuipers Cavaco, Caroline Costongs
Milbank Q. 2015 Jun; 93(2): 392–437
Published online: 4 Jun 2015
Health inequalities are systematic differences in health among social groups that are caused by unequal exposure to—and distributions of—the social determinants of health (SDH). They are persistent between and within countries despite action to reduce them. Advocacy is a means of promoting policies that improve health equity, but the literature on how to do so effectively is dispersed. The aim of this review is to synthesize the evidence in the academic and gray literature and to provide a body of knowledge for advocates to draw on to inform their efforts.
How to access click here.

7. Health Inequalities and Intersectionality
This briefing note briefly explains intersectionality and explores the potential of an intersectional approach to reducing health inequalities.
Published in January 2015. DescriptionDownload http://www.ncchpp.ca/images/contenu/pdf_nouveau.gif 668 K

Intersectionality is a way to think about and act upon social inequality and discrimination.  It offers a promising approach to these issues within public policy and within public health.  This briefing note introduces the approach and explores the potential contribution of intersectionality to reducing health inequalities.

8. The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated risk factors in Australia: how far have we travelled? Evidence from the ABS National Health Survey series

11. Transnational Corporations and Health: A Research Agenda
Frances Elaine Baum and Julia Margaret Anaf; International Journal of Health Services 2015, Vol. 45(2) 353–362http://joh.sagepub.com/content/45/2/353.full.pdf+html

Transnational corporations (TNCs) are part of an economic system of global capitalism that operates under a neoliberal regime underpinned by strong support from international organisations such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank, and most nation states. Although TNCs have grown in power and influence and have had a significant impact on population health over the past three decades, public health has not developed an integrated research agenda to study them. This article outlines the shape of such an agenda and argues that it is vital that research into the public health impact of TNCs be pursued and funded as a matter of priority. The four areas of the agenda are: assessing the health and equity impacts of TNCs; evaluating the
effectiveness of government regulation to mitigate health and equity impacts of TNCs; studying the work of activist groups and networks that highlight adverse impacts of TNCs; and considering how regulation of capitalism could better promote a healthier and more equitable corporate sector.

12. In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All 

29 June 2015

Media Release

Response to Government’s White Paper – Delivering Safe and Sustainable Clinical Services

While we agree that there is much work to be done in reforming clinical services, a healthy population can best be achieved by looking beyond health care, focusing on prevention, acting on the underlying causes of poor health and working with sectors outside of health.

The Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network (SDoHAN) acknowledges that access to safe, quality, timely and appropriate health care is important but this must not come at the expense of recognising the long-term gains that can be made by investing in prevention. If the Government doesn’t recognise prevention as a central goal, the sustainability of its clinical services will be undermined.

In Tasmania there is a preoccupation with hospitals, not health. Focusing more on preventive and population health can reduce the frustration that many doctors feel in being unable to address the underlying cause of many of the health problems they encounter among their patients.

Members of the Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network (SDoHAN) work together to achieve effective action on the social determinants of health in Tasmania. We believe that all Tasmanians should have the opportunity to live a healthy life regardless of their income, education, employment, gender, sexuality, capabilities, cultural background, who they are or where they live.

We take a keen interest in both strategic and local level initiatives to improve the health of Tasmanians.

We are disappointed that the Government has chosen to make the development of its strategic plan for preventive health in Tasmania a secondary priority and has not devised a more comprehensive strategy that integrates preventative health at all levels of the system.

We are also concerned about whether the Government has any plans to undertake broad stakeholder engagement or consultation in the development of its preventive health plan.

We offer the advice below to Government on how to make Tasmania the healthiest population in Australia by 2025.

Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network 2015
Supporting Tasmanians to be the healthiest population in Australia

Whatever your preferred choice of words, one thing is clear –
Health starts long before illness - it starts in our everyday lives
Research shows that the houses we live in, the transport we are able to access, the job we have or don’t have, the social support we have around us and how much money we’ve got, have as much impact on our health and wellbeing as our genes and behaviours.

What is also clear is that not everyone in Tasmania has the same opportunity to be healthy. This isn’t fair. All Tasmanians should be able to make the choices that allow them to live a healthy life, regardless of their income, where they live, social position, education, gender, abilities or cultural background.  

It is time we expand the way we think about health and start where health starts, not just where it ends. In Tasmania there is a preoccupation with hospitals, not health. Hospitals should be a last resort not the first.1 It’s time to rethink health and include how to keep it, not just how to get it back.

The Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network (SDoHAN) calls for action on the following priority areas to help Tasmanians become the healthiest population.

Action #1: Prioritise the early years
The early childhood period (0-6 years) is considered to be the most important developmental phase throughout the lifespan. Healthy early child development strongly influences obesity, mental health, heart disease, competence in literacy and numeracy, and economic participation throughout life. Investment in early childhood development will pay for itself many times over.2
In Tasmania we must do everything we can to give all children the best start in life. We can do this by strengthening families and communities, providing comprehensive support to families for the perinatal to three year period, building our public education system, strengthening our aspirations for lifelong learning, and reaching out to those who are at risk of falling behind.

Action #2: Build a strong primary health system  
The evidence is clear: health systems oriented towards primary health achieve better health outcomes for a lower overall cost than systems focused on specialist or tertiary care. The international trend is to move away from hospital care towards more community-based care.1 Primary health works with people in the community throughout their life course and is concerned with action on the social determinants of health and a preventive approach. It uses local approaches and multidisciplinary teams. In Tasmania we need to strengthen our regionally based community health centres and ensure that they operate within a comprehensive primary health care framework.

Action #3: Establish a government unit that works towards ‘Health for All Tasmanians’

We call on the Government to make ‘Health for All Tasmanians’ a central goal. Giving all Tasmanians the same opportunity to be healthy requires leadership and engagement across the community. 
A social determinants approach recognises that action outside of the health system is required to establish the conditions that promote good health and wellbeing and reduce our dependence on hospitals and health care services. We need to get different sectors working together towards this common purpose.
A sustainable government unit whose job it is to provide leadership in this area is urgently needed. Such a unit would undertake planning, build capacity and develop policies and programs that would give all Tasmanians the opportunity to be healthy (i.e. working towards health equity). This unit would ensure that the goal of Tasmanians being the healthiest Australians is prioritised across all public policy.

Action #4: Embed a social determinants of health approach throughout the health system
The work of the Tasmanian health system should be driven by a desire to give all Tasmanians the best opportunity to be healthy.
Every day our hospitals and health care providers see patients with complex health needs that arise from a combination of biological, psychological, social, economic and environmental factors. Many of these patients are on a treadmill of treatment – presenting again and again to emergency departments or other parts of the health care system with the same or related problems – and costing millions of dollars. It is time to ‘break the cycle’ by moving beyond an ineffective ‘fix them up and move them on’ model to a more comprehensive integrated model of care that recognises the broader determinants of health.4
Such a model would involve supporting patients along their journey through the health care system and beyond, proactively engaging services and supports along the way. It would involve identifying the underlying reasons for poor health (such as inadequate housing, family violence, poor education, unemployment, poor literacy, addiction and mental health problems) and setting people up for success by building ongoing treatment pathways that extend beyond traditional boundaries of health care and place people at the centre of their care.

References: 1. Doggett, J, 2007, ‘A new approach to primary care for Australia’, Centre for Policy Development; 2. WHO, Child Development, http://www.who.int/topics/child_development/en/; 3. Bassett, MT, 2006, ‘Health for All in the 21st Century, AJPH,96(12):2089; 4. Health Leads: https://healthleadsusa.org.

17 June 2015

Information to share

1. Hothouse on Education
Visit: http://thehothouse.net.au/the-ideas/ for the ideas that came out of The Hothouse on Education. If you didn’t get to the forum last week and would like to hear more about it visit: ABC Radio National's Life Matters: http://abc.net.au/rn/lifematters

2. Arts Health Tasmanian Network
Networking gatherings are held currently in the South but will be extended to other areas of the state in the near future.
Next Hobart Meeting will be (please note change of date)

DATE- Tuesday 21st July at 9.30-11.30.
VENUE - Hobart City Council Lower Ground Floor Conference Room off Elizabeth Street,
GUEST PRESENTER - Associate Professor Ashley Lucas, Director of the Prison Creative Arts Project, (PCAP) Theatre & Drama Department , University of Michigan. For more information about the great work of PCAP visit the websites below.

There will be opportunities for networking and sharing information. Please RSVP jacquie.maginnis@dhhs.tas.gov.au

3. Achieving gender equality to reduce intimate partner violence against women
Kathryn L Falb, Jeannie Annan, Jhumka Gupta

The Lancet Global Health, 2015, 3(6);e302-e303
Published online: June 2015

This year marks 20 years since 189 countries signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and committed to prioritisation of women’s empowerment and gender equality. Yet a recently released UN analysis1 shows that violence against women persists at “alarmingly high levels”. Worldwide, one in three women reports sexual or physical violence from a male partner at some point in their lifetime, and such experiences have been linked with harmful effects on health, including maternal morbidity, poor mental health, and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS.2 The UN report also contends that progress towards gender equality has been slow.1 Effective and scalable interventions to reduce intimate partner violence remain scarce, and questions remain about what drives individual violence and why prevalence differs across settings and countries. Lori Heise and Andreas Kotsadam’s study in The Lancet Global Health, is thus very timely, and is a major advance in the understanding of worldwide intimate partner violence. This analysis of data from 44 countries suggests that gender inequality at the macro-level (ie, country-level) serves as a key driver in women’s individual risk of violence and provides insight into why prevalence of intimate partner violence varies across countries…

How to obtain this article click here.

4. Association between gender inequality index and child mortality rates: a cross-national study of 138 countries
Ethel Mary Brinda1, Anto P Rajkumar and Ulrika Enemark
Gender inequality weakens maternal health and harms children through many direct and indirect pathways. Allied biological disadvantage and psychosocial adversities challenge the survival of children of both genders. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has recently developed a Gender Inequality Index to measure the multidimensional nature of gender inequality. The global impact of Gender Inequality Index on the child mortality rates remains uncertain.
We employed an ecological study to investigate the association between child mortality rates and Gender Inequality Indices of 138 countries for which UNDP has published the Gender Inequality Index. Data on child mortality rates and on potential confounders, such as, per capita gross domestic product and immunization coverage, were obtained from the official World Health Organization and World Bank sources. We employed multivariate non-parametric robust regression models to study the relationship between these variables.
Women in low and middle income countries (LMICs) suffer significantly more gender inequality (p < 0.001). Gender Inequality Index (GII) was positively associated with neonatal (β = 53.85; 95% CI 41.61-64.09), infant (β = 70.28; 95% CI 51.93-88.64) and under five mortality rates (β = 68.14; 95% CI 49.71-86.58), after adjusting for the effects of potential confounders (p < 0.001).
We have documented statistically significant positive associations between GII and child mortality rates. Our results suggest that the initiatives to curtail child mortality rates should extend beyond medical interventions and should prioritize women’s rights and autonomy. We discuss major pathways connecting gender inequality and child mortality. We present the socio-economic problems, which sustain higher gender inequality and child mortality in LMICs. We further discuss the potential solutions pertinent to LMICs. Dissipating gender barriers and focusing on social well-being of women may augment the survival of children of both genders.

5. The policy process for health promotion
Erik Söderberg and Ewa Wikström
Scand J Public Health first published on May 21, 2015

6. A Road to Home: The Right to Housing in Canada and Around the World: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/jlsp/

7. Education Improves Public Health and Promotes Health Equity
Robert A. Hahn; Benedict I. Truman

International Journal of Health Services, 0(0) 1–22
SAGE Journals
Published online: 19 May 2015

This article describes a framework and empirical evidence to support the argument that educational programs and policies are crucial public health interventions. Concepts of education and health are developed and linked, and we review a wide range of empirical studies to clarify pathways of linkage and explore implications. Basic educational expertise and skills, including fundamental knowledge, reasoning ability, emotional self-regulation, and interactional abilities, are critical components of health. Moreover, education is a fundamental social determinant of health – an upstream cause of health. Programs that close gaps in educational outcomes between low-income or racial and ethnic minority populations and higher-income or majority populations are needed to promote health equity. Public health policy makers, health practitioners and educators, and departments of health and education can collaborate to implement educational programs and policies for which systematic evidence indicates clear public health benefits.

How to obtain this article click here. (Let me know if you want to access this article but are unable via the link)

8. State of inequality: reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
The World Health Organization.

Published online: May 2015

The health of the world’s population is in a state of inequality. That is to say, there are vastly different stories to tell about a person’s health depending on where they live, their level of education, and whether they are rich or poor, etc. Monitoring the state of inequality in health takes into account the current experiences of population subgroups, as well as the trends of how health experiences in these subgroups have changed over time. This 2015 report demonstrates best practices in reporting the results of health inequality monitoring, and introduces innovative ways for audiences to explore inequality data.  Interactive data visualization components – including story-points, equity country profiles, maps and reference tables – accompany the key messages and findings of this report, allowing users to customize data displays and engage in benchmarking according to their interests. A series of feature stories indicated that inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health persist, despite having narrowed over the past decade. There is still much progress to be made in reducing inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health through equity-oriented policies, programmes and practices. Though the report draws on data about reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in low- and middle-income countries, the approach and underlying concepts can be widely applied to any health topic.

Access the full report click here.
Interactive visuals click here.

9. St. Michael’s Hospital health team offers prescription for poverty

10. This is Our Community is a bisexual anti-stigma campaign by Rainbow Health Ontario and the Researching for LGBTQ Health team. http://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/bisexual-health/

11. eLearning - The Health inequality monitoring eLearning module
The World Health Organization
Released online: May 2015

The Health inequality monitoring eLearning module is an overview of health inequality monitoring, aiming to build theoretical and technical capacity for health inequality monitoring across diverse settings and health topics. This module introduces and explores the five general steps of monitoring as they pertain to health inequality monitoring: selecting health indicators and equity stratifiers, obtaining data, analysing data, reporting results and implementing changes. A comprehensive applied example of health inequality monitoring in the Philippines demonstrates how the concepts can be applied in the context of low- and middle-income countries. This module is presented in eight chapters, which are each followed by a number of quiz questions and an application exercise. In each chapter, additional information and examples are available to facilitate a more-thorough understanding of the material. The entire module takes approximately four hours to complete, and is not timed.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Health indicators and equity stratifiers
Chapter 3: Data sources
Chapter 4: Simple measures
Chapter 5: Complex measures
Chapter 6: Reporting inequalities I
Chapter 7: Reporting inequalities II
Chapter 8: Cumulative example

Note: This eLearning module is available in a standard format (with audio), suitable for users with access to broadband internet, as well as in a no-audio, low-bandwidth format.

How to access the eLearning platform click here.

12. The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015: http://www.fao.org/hunger/en/

14. Social determinants of health, inequality and social inclusion among people with disabilities
OBJECTIVE: to analyze the socio-familial and community inclusion and social participation of people with disabilities, as well as their inclusion in occupations in daily life.

METHOD: qualitative study with data collected through open interviews concerning the participants' life histories and systematic observation. The sample was composed of ten individuals with acquired or congenital disabilities living in the region covered by a Family Health Center. The social conception of disability was the theoretical framework used. Data were analyzed according to an interpretative reconstructive approach based on Habermas' Theory of Communicative Action.

RESULTS: the results show that the socio-familial and community inclusion of the study participants is conditioned to the social determinants of health and present high levels of social inequality expressed by difficult access to PHC and rehabilitation services, work and income, education, culture, transportation and social participation.

CONCLUSION: there is a need to develop community-centered care programs in cooperation with PHC services aiming to cope with poverty and improve social inclusion.

Access this article in English

03 June 2015

Two opportunities

1. Come and meet Tasmania’s new Commissioner for Children and join him for a conversation about the social determinants of health

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Hobart Youth Arts & Recreation Centre
44 Collins Street, Hobart

Free – all welcome
RSVP (by 15 June) & enquiries:

Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network

Mark has worked for much of his career in the area of children and young people's services and policy development.  He is a committed advocate for young people's rights. Having commenced his five year term in October 2014, Mark will focus on the rights and interests of children, and the laws, policies and programs that impact on them.

Mark has had extensive experience in issues facing children and young people, having worked with children from all types of backgrounds, including undertaking significant work with vulnerable children.  He has practical expertise in child protection, child development, juvenile justice, children's services, child care, disabilities, and early intervention and prevention services.  Mark has been a strong advocate for the importance of the social determinants of health and wellbeing as a critical factor and consideration, in the development of policy and service delivery.

2. The Hothouse on Education – some of us involved in this network were part of Dark Mofo’s Hothouse this week.

Next Thursday 11 June there is a forum in Hobart where they will present the ideas that were developed. Everyone is welcome and it’s free. We encourage you to come along if you can. http://thehothouse.net.au/the-forum/

15 May 2015

Sharing information about the social determinants of health

Despite some fantastic local efforts, some of us feel that health promotion and action on the SDOH has taken a back-seat for too long. Do you agree?

We really want to know what you think the priorities for action in this area ought to be – what’s needed to promote health and wellbeing; how can we strengthen the people’s health to keep them out of the health care system; what do you think we ought to be doing in health promotion and when it comes to action on the social determinants of health? Without your input, we can’t advocate for change.

Please give back something to this Network by joining the conversation about What’s needed to improve health – Our Key Messages from 12pm-1.30pm Thursday 21 May in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.

Link in from Hobart, Burnie or Launceston. Please RSVP by 19 May and direct any enquiries about video conference sites to Rebecca Essex via email rebecca.essex@dhhs.tas.gov.au.

Items of interest to share:

Joint Select Committee on Preventative Health Care: A number of Network members participated in Committee hearings recently. Submissions and transcripts can be found here: http://www.parliament.tas.gov.au/ctee/Joint/PHC1.htm.

Mental Health and Employment: A Community Discussion. How can workplaces, government and community support wellbeing in the workplace for people with mental ill health/ illness and their carers? Moonah Arts Centre, 23-27 Albert Rd,  Thursday 4th of June 10.00- 1.00pm  Free Event, lunch provided, RSVP to sarahb@colony47.com.au or ph: 62141355 by Monday 1st of June.

DARK MOFO Hothouse: The hothouse is a unique collaboration that demonstrates the power of creative thinking to explore and respond to issues that impact on Tasmania’s educational outcomes. Find out more: http://thehothouse.net.au/.

The Bottom Line Blog wants you (to contribute)! Do you or someone you know have a story to tell about living on a low income. The Bottom Line Blog is up and running and looking for content: photos, videos, words, artwork ... it can be in almost any form and we're happy to help if you need a hand. Just visit the blog for more information and don't forget to like our Facebook page and help us get the word out. Our intrepid blogger Deb and Blog Master Pauline were recently on ABC morning radio spruiking the site. You can listen to their interview here. For more information contact Pauling Marsh at TasCOSS on 62310755.

Addressing entrenched disadvantage in Australiahttp://www.ceda.com.au/research-and-policy/policy-priorities/disadvantage

Looking Beyond Income and Education Socioeconomic Status Gradients Among Future High-Cost Users of Health Care: http://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797%2815%2900082-3/pdf See also: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/poverty-linked-to-future-high-health-care-costs-1.3065822

Good Life Permaculture are offering a fully sponsored place on an upcoming Permaculture Design Course. It’s a part time course based in Hobart so ideally this will suit someone who is in the region or able to stay on the weekends that the course is running. http://goodlifepermaculture.com.au/permaculture-design-course-full-scholarship-on-offer/ 

Experimental Victorian scheme could virtually eradicate homelessness: Three-year program, Journey to Social Inclusion, led to 75% of participants staying in stable housing, and an 80% drop in need for health services. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/30/experimental-victorian-scheme-could-virtually-eradicate-homelessness.  

Don’t forget to save the date: A conversation with Tasmania’s new Commissioner for Children: Wednesday 17 June 2015, 11-12:30, venue and details to be advised.