22 January 2016

Let’s Discuss: Healthy Tasmania Community Consultation Draft

TasCOSS and the Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network invite you to a roundtable discussion about the Government’s recently released Healthy Tasmania, Five Year Strategic Plan – Community Consultation Draft

There has been much discussion in our networks about this publication so we thought it would be helpful to meet so we can talk as a group about the issues that we feel are important to raise.

This meeting is for anyone who is considering preparing a submission on this Draft document.

When: Monday 1 February 2016, 12:00-2:00pm

Where: Primary Health Tasmania VC sites:

Level 4, 15 Victoria Street
Hobart  TAS  7000

Level 1, 11 Alexandra Road
Ulverstone  TAS  7315

Level 5, 11 High Street
Launceston  TAS  7250

RSVP: Please advise if you will be attending: socialdeterminantsofhealthtas@gmail.com

Items of interest:

1. Government releases Draft Climate Change Plan – calls for submissions: http://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/275343/Embracing_the_Climate_Challenge-Action_Plan.pdf

2. Have you signed up or are you interested in being part of a Health Literacy Network?
Come along to one of the regional meetings to talk about what the Network will do:
Ulverstone     21  January       10 - 11:30
Launceston     21 January          2 -   3:30
Hobart           22 January       10 - 11:30

Lisa O’Toole | Health Promoting Systems Program Support Officer
Public Health Services | Department of Health and Human Services
Level 1 Henty House, Civic Square, Launceston
Phone (03) 6777 1986

3. FGM/C and Violence Against Women: Red Cross' BCHP presents...

Dear People,

Red Cross Tasmania’s Bi-cultural Community Health Program assists women, girls and others affected by Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C).

FGM/C is a practice that does not take place in a vacuum.  It occurs in a much broader context of violence against women and is also influenced by social determinants of health.

Our Team invite the health sector and broader public community to engage with our events, which commemorate the International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM/C, which is February 6th each year.

Attendees will begin to appreciate how very complex dealing with this form of gender based violence is; and why it is so important to begin to own a deeper understanding of the issues supporting its continuation: in the hope that one day, it will be a practice that is understood universally to have no place in the lives of women, children and their significant others.

Please join our Team, as we present this discussion and associated dilemmas; and which includes anonymous testimony of a woman who now takes a firm stance to protect her own daughters, despite significant personal risk.

Attached is a flier for free public events in Launceston (Monday 8th February) and Hobart (Tuesday 9th February): 3 weeks’ time.  Please share far and wide.  All are Welcome. (Note: Flier not attached and can be forwarded as requested)

Warm regards,

Xavier and BCHP Team

Xavier Lane-Mullins
Bi-Cultural Community Health Program (BCHP) Community Development Worker
Migration Support Programs - Tasmania

4. Common Ground Men's Group
Hi all
I would like to let you know about a new initiative that is commencing in 2016 for men in Tasmania - the Common Ground Men's Group program. Common Ground Men's Groups are an 8 week facilitated program that challenge and enable men to strengthen their relationships and explore the issues common to most men, in a safe and respectful space. This program has been running successfully in Queensland for over 10 years and has received very favourable feedback from men who have attended, as well as their partners.  You can read some of the feedback on the Men’s Wellbeing webpage here.
For those in Hobart I would like to invite you to a service providers brief information session and discussion at room 1 on the ground floor in the Mcdougal Building, 90 Davey Street, Hobart, at 1pm on Thursday 4th February.  If you would like to come along, please drop me an email.  Feel free to bring your lunch.

At this session you will be able to find out the program, and how it may be useful for men that you may know or work with, and ask questions about some of the content etc.  Feel free to bring friends or colleagues.

For those in Launceston:
I will also be in Launceston I can put you in touch with the folks running the program up there, or possibly come and speak with your group myself when I visit Launnie in early Feb.

A free intro night
There will be free introductory nights for men and or their partners or other interested people in the community before every Common Ground program. Dates for the next free evenings in Hobart and Launceston are below.  Please get in touch if you are interested in attending.
·         Hobart - 7.30 pm,   Wed. 10th Feb. 2016. McDougal Building, Battery Point - contact Bill McDonald
·         Launceston -  7.30 pm – Venue to be advised  Thursday 11th Feb. 2016  - contact: 
At the following link is information flyer you can hand out to men, or women who have partners that might be interested: http://tasmen.org.au/images/Common-Ground-TasMen-A5-Poster.pd 
More information about the program can be found at the Common Ground page of the Tasmen website
Please feel free to send this message onto other lists and networks.

Jonathan Bedloe
0429 581 095

6. Trends Shaping Education
Does education have a role to play in stemming the obesity epidemic? Are new technologies really changing the way our children think and learn?  Trends Shaping Education 2016 tells the story of how economic, social, demographic and technological trends can potentially impact education.  It aims to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the future of education, in schools, universities, or in programmes for older adults.

7. Discover the impact of the free trade agreements on public health. https://vimeo.com/148089528

8. Can the sociology of social problems help us to understand and manage ‘lifestyle drift’? 
Lifestyle drift is increasingly seen as a barrier to broad action on the social determinants of health. The term is currently used in the population health literature to describe how broad policy initiatives for tackling inequalities in health that start off with social determinants (upstream) approach drift downstream to largely individual lifestyle factors, as well as the general trend of investing a the individual level. Lifestyle drift occurs despite the on-going efforts of public health advocates, such as anti-obesity campaigners, to draw attention to the social factors which shape health behavior and outcomes. In this article, we explore whether the sociology of social problems can help understand lifestyle drift in the context of obesity. Specifically, we apply Jamrozik and Nocella’s residualist conversion model to the problem of obesity in order to explore whether such an approach can provide greater insight into the processes that underpin lifestyle drift and inform our attempts to mitigate it.

9. Does public health advocacy seek to redress health inequities? A scoping review - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/hsc.12320/full

1 comment:

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