1. Family Food Patch Educators Story Book: http://issuu.com/elizabethcrane4/docs/family_food_patch_educators_storybo/1
2. Invitation to a Lunchtime Conversation – Commissioner for
month we discuss an issue of interest and importance, that affects
children and young people. At each conversation a speaker with expertise
or experience in a particular area will lead the conversation with a short
talk. The purpose of this series of conversations is to generate discussions,
broaden networks and develop possible strategies to further support or progress
issues of importance to children. Our last Lunchtime Conversation on The
Ingredients of a Child Safe Organisation was well attended and well received.
Conversation will be about
childhood trauma and its impact on educational outcomes. This upcoming
Lunchtime Conversation will be on held Wednesday 22nd July, between 13.00pm and
1400pm. It will be held at our office at 119 Macquarie Street,
Tasmania we are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the need for
higher levels of participation in education. The next topic in this series of
conversations will focus on the impact of cumulative trauma on children and
young people and the impact this has on their education. More effective
support for this cohort of children will ensure greater numbers gain an
education. And thus go on to live happier, healthier and more productive lives.
Bentley - who has recently completed a Churchill Fellowship will be the
guest speaker and will give a 30 minute presentation on this
topic. The remainder of the session will be taken up with general
conversation related to this topic.
RSVP by Monday 20th July 2015. Please note, places will be limited to the
first twenty five people or organisations who RSVP to this invitation. A
light lunch will be provided. If after accepting, you are unable to attend for
any reason can you please let us know so we can reallocate your place. RSVPs to
Linda Bowen. linda.bowen@childcomm.tas.gov.au,
Phone – 03 6233 4520.
3. TPPA – Things you need to know
Health Promotion Association
Dear Members
Gleeson has prepared the following list of very important
developments we need to know about the TPPA (Trans Pacific Partnership
Agreement). The developments happening are listed below for your
information and action where you deem appropriate.
Fast track: The US Senate passed the ‘fast track’ (Trade Promotion Authority)
legislation early yesterday morning.
CLICK HERE This has been the main barrier to concluding the TPP
negotiations, so they are now likely to be wrapped up in a matter of weeks
(although there are still some very contentious issues to be resolved). There
is no confirmed date yet for the ministerial meeting, although one news article
has suggested mid-July.
Productivity Commission report: The Productivity Commission released a report
that is strongly critical of the Australian Government’s approach to trade
negotiations generally, and cast a lot of doubt on the claimed benefits of the
trade deals recently concluded. It was also highly critical of the TPP
negotiations and in particular the lack of transparency: "...the absence
of any rigorous and transparent assessment of the agreement before government
commitment is a critical failure in transparency." (p. 162). See Peter
Martin’s article in the SMH and chapters
4 and 7 of the PC Report.
DFAT information sheet on TPP, and Médecins Sans Frontières' response: DFAT
has published a “fact” sheet about the TPP ... MSF has issued a media
release in response. Pat Ranald is also preparing a response.
Senate Inquiry Report, and AFTINET’s response: The report of the Senate
Inquiry into the Commonwealth’s Treaty Making Process was released
yesterday. AFTINET’s
media release basically argue that the report accurately describes
the problems but doesn’t go far enough in its recommendations to fix them. The
Greens have apparently issued a dissenting report.
Human Rights statements: Human
rights experts in most of the TPP countries have united to seek a human
rights evaluation of the TPP, following a statement by 10 UN
human rights experts voicing concerns over the impact of trade and
investment agreements on human rights.
Two opinion articles: Michael
Moore wrote in the City News about ISDS and Ruth Lopert and Deborah
Gleeson wrote for the Canberra Times on how
the TPP could drive us towards an American-style health system
4. How Pop-Up Stores, Origami Shelters And Bus Stop Bedrooms Are
Helping Tackle Homelessness
5. Inequalities in health: definitions, concepts, and theories
Mariana C.; ARCAYA, Alyssa L.; SUBRAMANIAN, S. V.
Health Action, [S.l.], v. 8, jun. 2015. ISSN 1654-9880
from different backgrounds, social groups, and countries enjoy different levels
of health. This article defines and distinguishes between unavoidable health
inequalities and unjust and preventable health inequities. We describe the
dimensions along which health inequalities are commonly examined, including
across the global population, between countries or states, and within
geographies, by socially relevant groupings such as race/ethnicity, gender,
education, caste, income, occupation, and more. Different theories attempt to explain
group-level differences in health, including psychosocial, material
deprivation, health behavior, environmental, and selection explanations.
Concepts of relative versus absolute; dose–response versus threshold;
composition versus context; place versus space; the life course perspective on
health; causal pathways to health; conditional health effects; and group-level
versus individual differences are vital in understanding health inequalities.
We close by reflecting on what conditions make health inequalities unjust, and
to consider the merits of policies that prioritize the elimination of health
disparities versus those that focus on raising the overall standard of health
in a population.
to obtain this article: click
6. Advocacy for Health Equity: A Synthesis
Linden Farrer, Claudia Marinetti, Yoline Kuipers Cavaco, Caroline Costongs
Milbank Q. 2015 Jun; 93(2): 392–437
Published online:
4 Jun 2015
Health inequalities are systematic differences in
health among social groups that are caused by unequal exposure to—and
distributions of—the social determinants of health (SDH). They are persistent
between and within countries despite action to reduce them. Advocacy is a means
of promoting policies that improve health equity, but the literature on how to
do so effectively is dispersed. The aim of this review is to synthesize the
evidence in the academic and gray literature and to provide a body of knowledge
for advocates to draw on to inform their efforts.
7. Health Inequalities and Intersectionality
briefing note briefly explains intersectionality and explores the potential of
an intersectional approach to reducing health inequalities.
Published in January 2015. Description. Download
Published in January 2015. Description. Download

is a way to think about and act upon social inequality and
discrimination. It offers a promising approach to these issues within
public policy and within public health. This briefing note introduces the
approach and explores the potential contribution of intersectionality to
reducing health inequalities.
8. The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated
risk factors in Australia: how far have we travelled? Evidence from the ABS
National Health Survey series
9. A new agenda for women’s health in the Americas: http://www.paho.org/journal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=159&Itemid=280&lang=en
10. Dutch City to Experiment With Universal Basic Income: http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/dutch_city_to_experiment_with_universal_basic_income_20150625
11. Transnational Corporations and Health: A Research Agenda
Elaine Baum and Julia Margaret Anaf; International Journal of Health Services
2015, Vol. 45(2) 353–362http://joh.sagepub.com/content/45/2/353.full.pdf+html
corporations (TNCs) are part of an economic system of global capitalism that
operates under a neoliberal regime underpinned by strong support from
international organisations such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank,
and most nation states. Although TNCs have grown in power and influence and
have had a significant impact on population health over the past three decades,
public health has not developed an integrated research agenda to study them.
This article outlines the shape of such an agenda and argues that it is vital
that research into the public health impact of TNCs be pursued and funded as a
matter of priority. The four areas of the agenda are: assessing the health and
equity impacts of TNCs; evaluating the
of government regulation to mitigate health and equity impacts of TNCs;
studying the work of activist groups and networks that highlight adverse
impacts of TNCs; and considering how regulation of capitalism could better
promote a healthier and more equitable corporate sector.
12. In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All
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