29 May 2014

E-book: Rise of the Empowered Citizen

The web means the opportunity for ordinary Australians to make a difference has never been greater.
As change.org hits two million Australian users, one in every ten with internet access, new survey data is putting a lie to the popularised notion that citizens are "disengaged" or "apathetic".
Australians are going online to have their say on issues that matter to them – and winning change every week.
This booklet takes the pulse of this new digital form of politics. Exploring the rise of the empowered citizen, trends in online campaigning and what's in store for the future – and it lays down the challenge for our politicians, CEOs and other decision makers to get on board. 
Download or read on right now: https://www.change.org/en-AU/about/e-book
On political engagement:  "The truth is that the idea of the “disengaged citizen” is a myth. 

Trust in old-school party politics may be at all-time lows, but the public’s interest in the issues that affect their daily lives has never been greater."
On power shifting: "Everyday people are gaining a voice at the table – and it is proving a significant challenge for those in power to deal with and make sense of."
On online activism: "The stereotype of an online activist as young, ideologically-driven and technologically-savvy is way off the mark, according to a survey of change.org’s two million Australian users. Instead, your average online activist is more likely to be a middle-aged mum."
"The potential of this new form of politics and consumer engagement is extraordinary..."

Medicare Forum in Hobart

Feeling Sick: Medicare Co-Payments and our Health

TasCOSS and The Medicare Action Group would like to invite you to a free Lunchtime Policy Forum, for a public discussion about the impacts of co-payments for Medicare services.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently told local radio listeners in Hobart that there is nothing wrong with contributing a modest co-payment when we visit health services.  But just how will a “modest” co-payment affect Tasmanians, our already strained health system, and our community in general?

Come and hear an expert panel, including health policy analysts Jennifer Doggett and Martyn Goddard, present their ideas. Then join us for what promises to be a robust audience and panel discussion.

Baha’i Centre
Tuesday 10 June 2014, 12 noon – 2 pm.
Bring along your lunch; tea and coffee will be provided.

Register herehttp://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/tascoss-lunchtime-policy-forum-feeling-sick-medicare-co-payments-and-our-health-tickets-11758316441

Please register by Thursday 5 June.

Any queries, please contact Pauline@tascoss.org.au or phone on 6231 0755.

22 May 2014


Fund health and medical research through universal, fair & progressive taxation

The ‘No GP Tax in our name’ Campaign asks Australian health and medical researchers and all concerned citizens to take a stand against the Australian Government’s decision to fund medical research through the new GP Tax.
It is unethical to fund medical research with a GP Tax which will discourage people from visiting their GP and detracts from the universal free-at-the point of use nature of Medicare. This new Tax will fall hardest on the most disadvantaged, and those with low incomes or a chronic condition. It will increase demand on over-stretched emergency departments and public hospitals. 
We don’t need a hastily thought out scheme that links a GP tax to research income.
We can afford to be a compassionate country which cares for all its citizens and funds universal free-at the point of use health services.
We are calling on the Australian Government to fund health and medical research through universal, fair and progressive taxation and to delink the funding from the GP tax.
To join us and say ‘No GP Tax in our name,’ sign our petition,  or use #noGPtax on Twitter
Click below to join petition


Life just gets harder for marginalised Australians: Salvos research shows the real face of Australian poverty

A nationwide survey of around 2,500 Salvation Army welfare clients reveals a harrowing snapshot of the realities of daily life for those living on the margins - vulnerable, difficult lives which The Salvation Army believes are about to get even harder in light of the recent Federal budget.
Read more here: http://salvos.org.au/about-us/latest-news/media-newsroom/20140521-tsa-rsa-esis-report/ 
To download the full Economic and Social Impact Survey report, please click here.