14 May 2013


After months of deliberation and consultation with the Conference Scientific Committee, we have arrived at a revised working definition for the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion in June 2013. Please see this link for the revised definition

In addition, a web-based consultation for two key outcomes of the Conference - a “Health in All Policies (HiAP) Framework for Country Action” and a Conference Statement - is now being undertaken. The consultation will run from May 9-19, 2013.

The Framework will give countries concrete guidance on how to implement Health in All Policies and the Statement will call for action on HiAP to achieve improved health and equity.

The consultation is administered by WHO and the local organizer, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland. The proposed drafts can be obtained through
this link.

Interested parties are invited to send their comments directly to 8gchp@who.int.


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