1. Are you under 18 and
living in Tassie? Commissioner
for Children and Young People Tasmania
I need your help to fill out this short survey, so that I
can advocate to make Tasmania a better place for you! The results of the survey
as well as two meetings already held with the Commissioner for Children and
Young Peoples Advisory Council will be published in a Report to be released
later this year. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M9CMCP6
2. Just announced! The New
Parliament: Challenges Australia Can’t Ignore
We are delighted to announce a special panel event in
October featuring Michelle Grattan
AO (Chief Political Correspondent at The Conversation), Dr Cassandra Goldie (CEO, Australian Council of Social Service) and
Professor Ian Harper (Deloitte
Access Economics and Reserve Bank Board Member). Mark your diaries now for
6.00pm on Tuesday 25 October in the
Stanley Burbury Theatre, Sandy Bay Campus. We will be serving refreshments
from 5.30pm. Early registrations can be emailed to Louise.Grimmer@utas.edu.au. This
is a free event and open to members of the public as well as University staff
and students. http://www.utas.edu.au/social-change/home
3. Watch Q&A on ABC
next Monday night - 29 August - as Sir Michael Marmot will be on the
panel. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/coming_up.htm
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, President of the World Medical
Association, has been a leading researcher on health inequality issues for more
than four decades. He has played a central role in research projects studying
health equity and bringing research evidence to bear on policy and practice.
His many achievements include chairing the Commission on Social Determinants of
Health for the World Health Organization in 2005 which produced the
influential Closing the Gap in a Generation report in 2008. Its central
conclusion was social injustice is killing on a grand scale.
4. What will it take for
Tasmania to have Australia’s healthiest population by 2025?
A Research Week public forum inspired by the Tasmanian
Governments Healthy Tasmania Plan, 31st Aug 2016, 3:00-5:00pm, Rory Spence VOS
Construction Lecture Theatre, Architecture & Design, Inveresk campus, RSVP
/ Contact Information: E: UTAS.Events@utas.edu.au, T: 6324 3290
5. Opinions on the State’s
new Healthy Tasmania Strategic Plan:
Talking Point: Tobacco, food and alcohol lobbies
dictate - http://www.themercury.com.au/news/opinion/talking-point-tobacco-food-and-alcohol-lobbies-dictate/news-story/d2b6ce1a2208683c5faab2effb4b63bc
Letter to the editor regarding tobacco component
of Healthy Tasmania Strategy - http://www.examiner.com.au/story/4080885/letters-to-the-editor/?cs=100
Kym Goodes (TasCOSS) opinion piece – The
Examiner - http://www.examiner.com.au/story/4083987/finding-balance-the-key-to-good-health/?cs=97
Michael Ferguson’s perspective on the Healthy
Tasmania Strategy http://www.themercury.com.au/news/opinion/talking-point-we-must-tackle-smoking-and-obesity/news-story/9386f9609961f14c7dec086c289ae085
6. Delivering better health
is about more than healthcare: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/delivering-better-health-is-about-more-than-healthcare-20160817-gqul3a.html
7. What's your share of the
When you think about your household’s income, do you feel
rich, poor, or just average? Most of us have no idea – or the wrong idea – of
how we compare with the rest of the population. But here, in 10 clicks, you can
find out how many households are better or worse off than yours, and see how
your ideal world compares. http://www.compareyourincome.org/index.php
8. Australian Youth
Development Index
The Australian Youth Development Index analyses youth
development across domains of education, health, employment, political and
civic participation. http://www.youthaction.org.au/australian_ydi
Tasmania's youth suicide rate highest in the country,
prompting calls for better targeted services: http://www.abc.net.au/…/tasmanian-youth-suicide-rat…/7732576
9. Many wealthy countries
face a mental health crisis – here’s what governments can do
10. Shift toward social
determinants transforming public health work: Targeting causes of health