11 March 2016

Network message sent to members today

Many thanks to all those who joined the conversation, prepared submissions and contributed to the Network’s submission (final posted below (19 Feb) on the Healthy Tasmania Community Consultation Draft. Some of us also attended the public forums that were held and it was fantastic to hear a strong voice on the need for action on the social determinants of health. It’s important that we continue to advocate at all levels in relation to this matter.

In relation to tobacco, Kathy Barnsley from SmokeFree Tasmania has provided some useful information that compares the two tobacco smoking proposals: MINIMUM LEGAL SMOKING AGE (MLSA) VERSUS TOBACCO-FREE GENERATION AMENDMENT (TFG). View the comparison table here: http://www.smokefreetasmania.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Comparison-table-MLSA-and-TFG_16125-1.pdf.

To help us plan our next moves as a Network please join us for our next meeting on 29th of April (10 – 11 am) - all welcome. Attend and video conference at these sites: Hobart, Launceston & Burnie. Please RSVP and obtain further details by contacting: socialdeterminantsofhealthtas@gmail.com.

Information and resources:

Climate Change and Health Promotion
This virtual issue of Health Promotion Journal of Australia devoted to climate change is timely and important. The recent Paris Agreement in which the world’s nations committed to try to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures will mean our efforts to transform into low carbon societies and economies over next few decades will be both dramatic and disruptive. The nature and scale of disruption will depend on the extent to which industries, sectors, businesses and professions prepare for and are involved in this 21st century low carbon ‘revolution’. Read more: http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/293/aid/20759.htm

Obesity in Canada: A Whole-of-Society Approach for a Healthier Canada

Youtube Video on Social Determinants of Health – Good Health is a Product of Good Choice – or is it?

In his recently published The Health Gap, Michael Marmot reports on two lists of ‘top ten tips’ for health: http://www.grahamscambler.com/realistic-public-health-interventions/