15 May 2015

Sharing information about the social determinants of health

Despite some fantastic local efforts, some of us feel that health promotion and action on the SDOH has taken a back-seat for too long. Do you agree?

We really want to know what you think the priorities for action in this area ought to be – what’s needed to promote health and wellbeing; how can we strengthen the people’s health to keep them out of the health care system; what do you think we ought to be doing in health promotion and when it comes to action on the social determinants of health? Without your input, we can’t advocate for change.

Please give back something to this Network by joining the conversation about What’s needed to improve health – Our Key Messages from 12pm-1.30pm Thursday 21 May in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.

Link in from Hobart, Burnie or Launceston. Please RSVP by 19 May and direct any enquiries about video conference sites to Rebecca Essex via email rebecca.essex@dhhs.tas.gov.au.

Items of interest to share:

Joint Select Committee on Preventative Health Care: A number of Network members participated in Committee hearings recently. Submissions and transcripts can be found here: http://www.parliament.tas.gov.au/ctee/Joint/PHC1.htm.

Mental Health and Employment: A Community Discussion. How can workplaces, government and community support wellbeing in the workplace for people with mental ill health/ illness and their carers? Moonah Arts Centre, 23-27 Albert Rd,  Thursday 4th of June 10.00- 1.00pm  Free Event, lunch provided, RSVP to sarahb@colony47.com.au or ph: 62141355 by Monday 1st of June.

DARK MOFO Hothouse: The hothouse is a unique collaboration that demonstrates the power of creative thinking to explore and respond to issues that impact on Tasmania’s educational outcomes. Find out more: http://thehothouse.net.au/.

The Bottom Line Blog wants you (to contribute)! Do you or someone you know have a story to tell about living on a low income. The Bottom Line Blog is up and running and looking for content: photos, videos, words, artwork ... it can be in almost any form and we're happy to help if you need a hand. Just visit the blog for more information and don't forget to like our Facebook page and help us get the word out. Our intrepid blogger Deb and Blog Master Pauline were recently on ABC morning radio spruiking the site. You can listen to their interview here. For more information contact Pauling Marsh at TasCOSS on 62310755.

Addressing entrenched disadvantage in Australiahttp://www.ceda.com.au/research-and-policy/policy-priorities/disadvantage

Looking Beyond Income and Education Socioeconomic Status Gradients Among Future High-Cost Users of Health Care: http://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797%2815%2900082-3/pdf See also: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/poverty-linked-to-future-high-health-care-costs-1.3065822

Good Life Permaculture are offering a fully sponsored place on an upcoming Permaculture Design Course. It’s a part time course based in Hobart so ideally this will suit someone who is in the region or able to stay on the weekends that the course is running. http://goodlifepermaculture.com.au/permaculture-design-course-full-scholarship-on-offer/ 

Experimental Victorian scheme could virtually eradicate homelessness: Three-year program, Journey to Social Inclusion, led to 75% of participants staying in stable housing, and an 80% drop in need for health services. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/30/experimental-victorian-scheme-could-virtually-eradicate-homelessness.  

Don’t forget to save the date: A conversation with Tasmania’s new Commissioner for Children: Wednesday 17 June 2015, 11-12:30, venue and details to be advised.