06 March 2015

Let’s have a conversation about the language of health

Let’s have a conversation about the language of health

a conversation about health - where health starts - in our everyday lives

Let’s stop and have a serious look at what it is that really keeps us healthy or makes us sick.

And we’re not just talking about whether we did some exercise or if we quit smoking - we’re talking about the things that make up our neighbourhoods, communities, as well as a the bigger wider world – the factors that influence the choices we are able to make. Think about the things that you are exposed to in your everyday life – that might cause stress and make you more susceptible to ill health, or factors that keep stressors at bay and protect your health.

Let’s have a conversation about health – where health starts – in our everyday lives.

Health is influenced by lots of factors and we want to find out what Tasmanians from all walks of life have to say about health and its determinants.

This project is being run by the Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network – Tasmania and is being undertaken by Miriam Vandenberg (Herzfeld) & Michael Bentley.

We’ll be running a series of focus groups in April 2015 and are looking for people willing to volunteer about two hours of their time to be involved.

If you would like to participate in this study please contact Miriam or Michael for more information:


This project has ethics approval from the Tasmanian Social Sciences Human Research Ethics Committee.

04 March 2015

Useful information with links relating to SDOH

Education and health: 

Higher levels of educational attainment are associated with improved health outcomes: http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/lookup/4704.0Chapter365Oct+2010

The Effect of Education on Health – Cross Country Evidence: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/working_papers/2011/RAND_WR864.pdf

What are the effects of education on health? MEASURING THE EFFECTS OF EDUCATION ON HEALTH AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: PROCEEDINGS OF THE COPENHAGEN SYMPOSIUM – © OECD 2006  https://www1.oecd.org/edu/innovation-education/37425753.pdf

The Effects of Education on Health (National Bureau of Economic Research): http://www.nber.org/digest/mar07/w12352.html

The Education Effect on Population Health: A Reassessment http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3188849/

Do you think the Australian public deserves to know what's at stake in the TPP - Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement?

CHETRE (Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation) has worked with a group of Australian academics and non-government organisations, interested in the health of the Australian population, to do a health impact assessment (HIA) on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations.

The negotiations are finishing soon, but the public has yet to see the agreement and find out exactly what we risk trading away.

The HIA released today has shown the TPP could impact on the government's ability to introduce new health initiatives, like the plain packaging legislation. It could stop new food labelling laws, and keep medicines costing more for longer.

If you want to tell the government to release the text so we can find out what's in the TPP before it's too late click here .

Health literacy toolkit for low- and middle-income countries: series of information sheets to empower communities and strengthen health systems: Download this publication: click here.

The Social Determinants of Mental Health: An Overview and Call to Action

Defining a Population Mental Health Framework for Public Health: http://www.ncchpp.ca/docs/2014_SanteMentale_EN.pdf

Framework for healthy public policies favouring Mental Health: http://www.ncchpp.ca/docs/PPFSM_EN_Gabarit.pdf

Unexplained health inequality is it unfair? click here

Implementing the Public Health Act in a local setting: Addressing the social inequities in health in a Norwegian municipality: https://bora.uib.no/handle/1956/8218

Healthy Cities Resources:

What is the People’s Health Movement?  What does it do?
Now available: 30 minute film from the Third People's Health Assembly (Cape Town, July 2012) is now online:  http://youtu.be/Kmm5Hj0HNWA

Children of the Recession: The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries:

Society at a glance –OECD Global Indicators
The seventh edition of Society at a Glance, the biennial OECD overview of social indicators, this report addresses the growing demand for quantitative evidence on social well-being and its trends. It updates some indicators included in the previous editions published since 2001 and introduces several new ones; in total: 25 indicators. It includes data for the 34 OECD Member countries and where available data for key partners (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa) and for other G20 countries (Argentina and Saudi Arabia). This report features a special chapter on the social impact of the recent crisis (Chapter 1) and provides a guide to help readers understand the structure of OECD social indicators (Chapter 2). All indicators are available as a web book and e-book on OECD iLibrary, as is the related database.

SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CHILDREN’S HEALTH: http://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ijcyfs

Improving Population Health by Reducing Poverty:  New York's Earned Income Tax Credit:

EARLY LIFE OR EARLY DEATH: SUPPORT FOR CHILD HEALTH LASTS A LIFETIME: http://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ijcyfs/article/view/13499/4312

The new resource Expanding the Boundaries: Public Health and Health Equity Practice , created by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Health Equity and Social Justice Committee, aims to invite dialogue among local health departments and their community allies around the social inequities underlying health inequities.

The Super Rich and Us - BBC Documentary 2015 - Rich People vs Poor People - Episode 1 http://youtu.be/gjzmHZd6s-E

Economic considerations and health in all policies initiatives: evidence from interviews with key informants in Sweden, Quebec and South Australia: click here.

Health in all policies: training manual: English