20 November 2014

SDOHAN Information Shared

Time is running out to take part in the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey 

The National Rural Health Alliance is pleased to support the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey. The Centre for Research and Action in Public Health conducts the survey to support research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life for people living in rural and regional Australia.

We need your help to hear their views. The 2014 survey is still open but closes at midnight Sunday 30 November. Please participate and forward this email to others who might be interested in the survey. You can do the survey online at www.regionalwellbeing.org.au. Or call 1800 981 499 if you’d like a paper survey, or any other help. You can choose to do a short, regular or long version of the survey. The survey is voluntary, confidential and anonymous.
Many communities are now using the Regional Wellbeing Survey’s results as a key resource. To see last year’s results, click here.

Thank you for sharing the survey and your valuable insights.

Damien Hickman
Policy and Communications
National Rural Health Alliance

2011-13 Australian Health Survey | National and Tasmanian Results 
Date:     Wednesday 26 November
Time:     2.00 – 3.30 pm
Medical Science 1 Lecture Theatre (Room 105)

The 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) is the largest and most comprehensive health survey ever conducted in Australia. The survey was designed to collect a range of information from Australians about health related issues, including health status, risk factors, socioeconomic circumstances, health-related actions and use of medical services. In 2011-13, the AHS collected new information on nutrition and physical activity. It also included the first national biomedical information collection.

The session will include discussion of:
1. National and Tasmanian results from 4364.0.55.007 Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First Results – Food and Nutrients, 2011-12
2. National and Tasmanian results from 4364.0.55.055 Australian Health Survey: Biomedical Results for Chronic Diseases, 2011-12
3. National and Tasmanian results from 4727.0.55.033  Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey: Biomedical results, 2012-13
There will be an opportunity for questions at the end.

Presentation by:
Louise Gates, Director, ABS Health Section
Louise is responsible for the analysis and dissemination of information related to health. In particular, she is responsible for the output of the Australian Health Survey including the nutrition, physical activity and biomedical components and also the Patient Experience Survey as well as forward planning for future cycles of these surveys.

Mental Health Carers Tasmania – Caring Voices Project

Mental Health Carers Tasmania are excited to launch the Caring Voices Project. If you are a Carer we would welcome your participation. Further information is detailed below. 

Do you care for a person with mental ill health?

We know that being a carer of a person with mental ill health can be both rewarding & challenging

As part of the Caring Voices Project, we would like to hear your story

Mental Health Carers Tasmania wants to develop a better understanding of the issues faced by mental health carers so that we can improve community understanding & advocate for the rights and needs of mental health carers in Tasmania

A mental health carer is someone who provides unpaid physical, practical or emotional support to a family member, friend, neighbour or colleague with mental ill health

Participating in the Caring Voices Project will involve completing either a written or online survey, or a telephone or face-to-face interview

The online survey is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/caringvoices until Monday 15th December 2014.

For a written copy of the survey, to register for an interview or for more information please contact Mental Health Carers Tasmania on 6228 7448 or email admin@mentalhealthcarerstas.org.au

Confidentiality of personal contact details is assured – participants’ names will not be disclosed

Good Health: A powerful tool in the fight against inequality: globalhealthcheck.org/?p=1700

Rethink Mental Health
A Discussion paper has been prepared to start the discussion about our mental health service system, what it looks like now, what it should look like into the future and what should be in our a long term plan for mental health in Tasmania.