02 June 2014

Don't forget - Medicare Forum in Hobart Next Week

Medicare Forum in Hobart

Feeling Sick: Medicare Co-Payments and our Health

TasCOSS and The Medicare Action Group would like to invite you to a freeLunchtime Policy Forum, for a public discussion about the impacts of co-payments for Medicare services.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently told local radio listeners in Hobart that there is nothing wrong with contributing a modest co-payment when we visit health services.  But just how will a “modest” co-payment affect Tasmanians, our already strained health system, and our community in general?

Come and hear an expert panel, including health policy analysts Jennifer Doggett and Martyn Goddard, present their ideas. Then join us for what promises to be a robust audience and panel discussion.

Baha’i Centre
Tuesday 10 June 2014, 12 noon – 2 pm.
Bring along your lunch; tea and coffee will be provided.

Register herehttp://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/tascoss-lunchtime-policy-forum-feeling-sick-medicare-co-payments-and-our-health-tickets-11758316441

Please register by Thursday 5 June.

Any queries, please contact Pauline@tascoss.org.au or phone on 6231 0755.