18 December 2014

SDOHAN News and Information Shared - 18 December 2014

1. Launch of Green Paper – Delivering Safe and Sustainable Clinical Services

Message from the Minister for Health

Dear colleagues

Today I have released the Green Paper into the future of health services in Tasmania.

It’s an important step in our journey of making better care available for all.

As I move around the community I hear from patients, their families and carers about how much respect and admiration they have for the staff who work in our health system.

I also hear many ideas for making it better.

That’s why I announced reforms this year – One State, One Health System, Better Outcomes reforms.

I can provide a brief update on how other aspects of the reforms are progressing:

·                Creation of a single statewide Tasmanian Health Service by 1 July 2015 – preparations underway and on-track for commencement on time.

·                A new Health Council of Tasmania to provide expert clinical and consumer advice on health reform – Chaired by Denise Fassett, it was announced this week and has met for the first time.

·                Reform of the DHHS – to focus the insight and talents of its staff on managing the health system efficiently – underway.

The Green Paper I’ve released today describes the challenges facing our health system and starts the conversation about finding solutions.

Central to our reform plans is the development of a Clinical Services Profile that will describe where services can be located so that all Tasmanians have equal and fair access to better services.

We all want to have services located near where we live and, for many essential services; this is what we should strive for.

It’s important to recognise that we can’t always have complex, high-risk services in all locations.  It is not safe and it is not sustainable.

Our job is to make these hard decisions about how we balance this mix of regional and statewide services. 

I urge all Tasmanians with an interest in health service delivery to consider the details of the health Green Paper.

As you do so, please bear in mind the following:
The Green Paper isn’t about saving money; it’s about getting better health outcomes for all Tasmanians. No hospitals will close and every Tasmanian community will have access to better care. It’s about shifting the conversation from one about better access to care to one about access to better care.

The release of the Green Paper will be followed in the New Year by consultation, including with Tasmanian communities and with the health sector over the next two months.

More details of forums and meetings will be released in coming days.

Submissions will be considered before a final White Paper on health reform is released in March 2015, forming the basis of future action.

The Green Paper is located at www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/onehealthsystem

Thank you for your continuing work for the benefit of the Tasmanians we are here to serve.
Michael Ferguson
Minister for Health

For more information on the One State, One Health System, Better Outcomes reform package please email onehealthsystem@dhhs.tas.gov.au

2. Let’s have a conversation about the language of health - a conversation about health - where health starts - in our everyday lives

Health is influenced by lots of things & we want to find out what Tasmanians from all walks of life have to say about their health & its determinants. In 2015, the Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network - Tasmania will oversee a project that will involve talking to people in the community about how they understand the language of social determinants of health (SDOH) - the language that they use and is meaningful to them.

“It is striking that anyone who uses the term “social determinants of health” is not likely to be someone who is at risk from them...We need a language we can all understand, and we need to hear from those who are first in the queue to be harmed.”  (Senior, T)

The project will help in unpacking a language we can all understand, which will assist us to better engage across the range of sectors and disciplines that are implicated in the SDOH. The project will present key learnings about the language of SDOH, which may contribute to enhanced community engagement and more empathetic practice. It will explore how community insights on SDOH can enhance advocacy efforts of civil society, as well as lobbyists working in the scientific space, to influence upstream policy change. Lastly, it will make recommendations about the language of SDOH, and compare findings to the work of others in this area.

We would like to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in the development of this project. If you have ideas to contribute as we plan for its implementation in 2015, please contact

3. Volunteer Telephone Crisis Support

Lifeline Tasmania is opening its 2015 intake for volunteers in the Hobart region wanting to become a Telephone Crisis Supporter on the 13 11 14 crisis line.

Successful applicants will undertake extensive training, make a commitment to shifts and meet further selection criteria. This is to ensure volunteers are confident, skilled and able to provide support to Lifeline’s Callers in their time of emotional distress and crisis. If you’re interested, this type of volunteering will be very rewarding.

For further information please visit www.lifeline.org.au/Tasmania or call (03) 6282 1500 during business hours.


4. Some holiday reading....

- Rehospitalization Rates Highest for Poorest Neighborhoods (shared by N.J. Davy Paramedic, Ambulance Tasmania - NW Region)

- Socks are not enough: Social justice lies upstream from charity

Doctors at St. Mike's launch project to address root causes of poor health

- The wealth gap

My Doctor Makes Me Sick

- Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research

In this guest post, Ronald Labonté traces the history of neoliberalism through structural adjustment programs, the Great Recession and into current Austerity Agendas. Labont é examines why neoliberalism continues to dominate economic agendas and what types of policy messages are needed to combat the resulting health plagues. This post is cross-posted at Global Health Watch in support of the latest alternative world health report. Labonté holds a Canada Research Chair in Globalization and Health Equity at the Institute of Population Health, and is Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa; and in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Flinders University of South Australia.  

07 December 2014

Last news shared with the Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network of Tasmania

Senate Select Committee on Health – Interim Report now available (we put in a submission and appeared before the Committee)

Joint Select Committee on Preventative Health Care – please submit
We prepared a submission to this Committee last time and will probably do so again. If you would like to contribute please get in touch. The deadline is Monday 16 February 2015. For the terms of reference and further information: http://www.parliament.tas.gov.au/ctee/Joint/PHC1.htm

Southern Rethink Mental Health Project CSO Consultation
We invite you to the Southern Rethink Mental Health Project CSO Consultation. This consultation will be held on the 15 December 2014, 1pm – 3pm, Hockey Function Centre, 19 Bell Street, Newtown. (Please contact the Mental Health Council to find out about consultations in other parts of the state).

As you may be aware, the Rethink Mental Health Project is aimed at providing an independent analysis of the current mental health services being provided in Tasmania, and the gaps and barriers that exist within the sector. The information gathered in this analysis will guide future system reform and investment.

The questions that will be asked at the consultation, as well as a more detailed overview of the Rethink Mental Health Project, are in the Discussion paper -http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/173484/DP-2014-10-10_Final.pdf . We would appreciate your consideration of this document prior to the meeting, keeping in mind that not all areas will be covered during consultation.  Participants will be provided with information on further involvement in the Project following the group consultation.

Please RSVP to Project2@mhct.org by the 12th December 2014. 

We hope to see many of you there.

Thanks and regards,

Jade Standaloft
Mental Health Council of Tasmania
P 03 6224 9222 | |W www.mhct.org

Recommendations towards a Global Convention to protect and promote healthy diets

This set of recommendations (available in English, Spanish or French) towards a Global Convention to protect and promote healthy diets has been developed to encourage policy makers to build on the work of the UN to combat obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Ten years after the launch of the WHO Global Strategy on Diet Physical Activity and Health, no country has succeeded in significantly reversing the rising tide of obesity or diabetes. Cardiovascular diseases are rapidly increasing in many lower middle-income countries. Change is urgently needed.

The ‘wonderfulness’ of children’s feeding programs

When people involved in children’s feeding programs were asked to describe them, without exception they were described using phrases that reflected the perception of ‘wonderfulness’. This paper critically analyses the ‘wonderfulness’ of children’s feeding programs by examining the language used to describe these programs, and the features of a ‘wonderful’ program through an analysis of a multi-site, qualitative case study of nine diverse programs in Atlantic Canada. When participants justified their comments about the ‘wonderfulness’ of children’s feeding programs, they did so based upon five perceptions of program strengths: enhanced family coping; providing good food and nutrition; socializing and making friends; behaving well in school; and volunteerism. We suggest that programs can be designed to be innately ‘wonderful’ if they are community- and charity-based, support a noble cause such
as the elimination of child hunger, engage good people as donors and volunteers, and provide a direct service to children apart from their families. We challenge health promoters to beware of the ‘wonderful’ program; its ‘wonderfulness’ may actually be masking unintended negative impacts upon its participants.

The Politics of Poverty

Health at a Glance: Europe 2014
OECD, Published: 3 December 2014

 This third edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators related to health status, determinants of health, health care resources and activities, quality of care, access to care, and health expenditure and financing in 35 European countries, including the 28 European Union member states, four candidate countries and three EFTA countries. The selection of indicators is based largely on the European Core Health Indicators (ECHI) shortlist, a set of indicators that has been developed to guide the reporting of health statistics in the European Union. This is complemented by additional indicators on quality of care, access to care and health expenditure, building on the OECD expertise in these areas. Compared with the previous edition, this third edition includes a greater number of ECHI indicators, reflecting progress in the availability of comparable data in the areas of non-medical determinants of health and access to care. It also includes a new chapter dedicated to access to care, including selected indicators on financial access, geographic access and timely access.

Read the full text:   click here

Health Inequalities and the 1% - Wolfson Annual Lecture 2014
The Wolfson Research Institute welcomed Professor Danny Dorling to deliver the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing's Annual Lecture 'Health Inequalities and the 1%' on Wednesday 19 November 2014.

Global Wage Report 2014/15 - Wages and income inequality
The 2014/15 edition examines the link between wages and inequality at the household level. It shows that wages constitute the largest single source of income for households with at least one member of working age in most countries and points to changes in wages and paid employment as key factors underlying recent trends in inequality. The report also considers wage gaps between certain groups, such as those between women and men, migrants and nationals, and workers in the informal and formal economy.

Inequality can be addressed through policies that affect wage distribution directly or indirectly, as well as through fiscal redistribution. However, increasing inequality in the labour market places a heavier burden on efforts to reduce inequality through taxes and transfers. The report thus emphasizes the need for combined policy action that includes minimum wages, strengthened collective bargaining, interventions to eliminate wage gaps, the promotion of paid employment and redistribution through taxes and transfers.

Resources, Principles, and the Practice of Health Equity
A compilation of training resources for community health care service providers in the Champlain region

Regional and Remote Australians face more health care barriers  
People living in outer regional or very remote areas of Australia were more likely to face barriers to accessing health care compared with people living in major cities.  Click here to read more.

Building a good life: the role of natural supports in recovery from mental illness
Anglicare Tasmania, Social Action Research Centre (SARC)

One in two Australians will experience mental illness at some point in their lives. Many, however, will live in recovery. This research explores the lived experience of people recovering from mental illness across Tasmania and asks them how natural supports helped them to reclaim their lives. Natural supports are those that typically occur in everyday life and include relationships with family, friends, peers and other social networks.

The Building a good life research identifies the range of natural supports used by people recovering from mental illness, explores the links between natural supports and social inclusion and recovery, and reviews how mental health service providers currently understand and experience their work in helping people make the most of natural supports.

To join the SARC mailing list & for more information about the work of SARC, look at the Anglicare website or contact sarc@anglicare-tas.org.au, phone (03) 6213 3567.

Croakey News...
Dear Croakey contributors

Just a quick note to let you know of some recent developments at Croakey.

• Dr Melissa Stoneham from the Public Health Advocacy Institute WA is calling for health professionals, and particularly Indigenous health professionals, to support a campaign re the threatened closure of remote communities. If you would like to add your signature to letters to politicians, please contact her at: m.stoneham@curtin.edu.au

• The latest Health Wrap, by Kellie Bisset covers a wealth of health news, from local to national and global, including the Co-payment, Victorian election, Indigenous health, health reform and public health

• Don’t miss the latest column from The Koori Woman/Kelly Briggs – on why there were no surprises for her in the recent First Contact program on SBS

• You can download a copy of Marie McInerney’s indepth coverage of the recent Australian Indigenous Doctors Association conference in this interactive PDF

• Thanks to all who contributed to Croakey’s recent G20 coverage, which is compiled here:

And finally, if you would like to support some improvements to the Croakey site while also knocking off the Christmas shopping and getting yourself some nifty public health T-shirts/mugs etc – please check out the new Croakey merchandise range at Redbubble (you can get the designs as T-shirts, pillow case covers, phone covers, cards, mugs etc)

Many thanks to Ben Harris-Roxas, Tim Senior and Lesley Russell for suggesting the designs.

All the best
Melissa Sweet


This post has been compiled for the Social Determinants of Health Network in Tasmania.

The Network has been established to help people work together to leverage action on the Social Determinants of Health.

The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, play and age. They are sometimes referred to as ‘the causes of the causes’ because they are the underlying reasons why people experience poor health.

For more information about the social determinants of health download the action sheets on the TasCOSS website: www.tascoss.org.au.

The vision of the Network is for All Tasmanians to have the opportunity to live a long, healthy life regardless of their income, education, employment, gender, sexuality, capabilities, cultural background, who they are or where they live.

Anyone who shares in this vision can join. It’s free of charge. To join please email your details to socialdeterminantsofhealthtas@gmail.com

The Network operates on a voluntary basis.

Please feel free to forward this to people who may be interested.

www.sdohan.blogspot.com                      Twitter: @SDOHTas

20 November 2014

SDOHAN Information Shared

Time is running out to take part in the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey 

The National Rural Health Alliance is pleased to support the 2014 Regional Wellbeing Survey. The Centre for Research and Action in Public Health conducts the survey to support research that improves the wellbeing and quality of life for people living in rural and regional Australia.

We need your help to hear their views. The 2014 survey is still open but closes at midnight Sunday 30 November. Please participate and forward this email to others who might be interested in the survey. You can do the survey online at www.regionalwellbeing.org.au. Or call 1800 981 499 if you’d like a paper survey, or any other help. You can choose to do a short, regular or long version of the survey. The survey is voluntary, confidential and anonymous.
Many communities are now using the Regional Wellbeing Survey’s results as a key resource. To see last year’s results, click here.

Thank you for sharing the survey and your valuable insights.

Damien Hickman
Policy and Communications
National Rural Health Alliance

2011-13 Australian Health Survey | National and Tasmanian Results 
Date:     Wednesday 26 November
Time:     2.00 – 3.30 pm
Medical Science 1 Lecture Theatre (Room 105)

The 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) is the largest and most comprehensive health survey ever conducted in Australia. The survey was designed to collect a range of information from Australians about health related issues, including health status, risk factors, socioeconomic circumstances, health-related actions and use of medical services. In 2011-13, the AHS collected new information on nutrition and physical activity. It also included the first national biomedical information collection.

The session will include discussion of:
1. National and Tasmanian results from 4364.0.55.007 Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First Results – Food and Nutrients, 2011-12
2. National and Tasmanian results from 4364.0.55.055 Australian Health Survey: Biomedical Results for Chronic Diseases, 2011-12
3. National and Tasmanian results from 4727.0.55.033  Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey: Biomedical results, 2012-13
There will be an opportunity for questions at the end.

Presentation by:
Louise Gates, Director, ABS Health Section
Louise is responsible for the analysis and dissemination of information related to health. In particular, she is responsible for the output of the Australian Health Survey including the nutrition, physical activity and biomedical components and also the Patient Experience Survey as well as forward planning for future cycles of these surveys.

Mental Health Carers Tasmania – Caring Voices Project

Mental Health Carers Tasmania are excited to launch the Caring Voices Project. If you are a Carer we would welcome your participation. Further information is detailed below. 

Do you care for a person with mental ill health?

We know that being a carer of a person with mental ill health can be both rewarding & challenging

As part of the Caring Voices Project, we would like to hear your story

Mental Health Carers Tasmania wants to develop a better understanding of the issues faced by mental health carers so that we can improve community understanding & advocate for the rights and needs of mental health carers in Tasmania

A mental health carer is someone who provides unpaid physical, practical or emotional support to a family member, friend, neighbour or colleague with mental ill health

Participating in the Caring Voices Project will involve completing either a written or online survey, or a telephone or face-to-face interview

The online survey is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/caringvoices until Monday 15th December 2014.

For a written copy of the survey, to register for an interview or for more information please contact Mental Health Carers Tasmania on 6228 7448 or email admin@mentalhealthcarerstas.org.au

Confidentiality of personal contact details is assured – participants’ names will not be disclosed

Good Health: A powerful tool in the fight against inequality: globalhealthcheck.org/?p=1700

Rethink Mental Health
A Discussion paper has been prepared to start the discussion about our mental health service system, what it looks like now, what it should look like into the future and what should be in our a long term plan for mental health in Tasmania.

28 October 2014

Items of interest

What is the Rethink Mental Health Project? 
The Rethink Mental Health Project is a key part of the Tasmanian Government’s election commitment - A long term plan for mental health.
This is a commitment to develop an integrated Tasmanian mental health system that provides support in the right place, at the right time and with clear signposts about where and how to get help. Read more.... http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/mentalhealth/rethink_mental_health_project

Tasmanian Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Grants (Shared by Anna Spinaze)
Between March 2014 and January 2016, TAHPC’s “Networking End of Life Care” Project will be offering 7 small grant rounds. Up to $5000 is available via local communities partnerships to start new projects and initiatives which will enhance capacity to provide support to people living with life limiting illness, or to increase community understanding of hospice, palliative care and bereavement issues.

For more information please contact
Anna Spinaze
Project Officer South (Community Development)
“Networking End of Life Care Across Tasmania”
Tasmanian Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (TAHPC)
4/30 Patrick St, Hobart 7000
Mb: 0407 952 518
Office: 6231 2799

Mohammad Azadi is an Iranian asylum seeker - a Sunni Muslim who faces persecution from the majority Shi'a Government of Iran (Shared by Simone Favelle)
Mohammad's brother was killed for his religious beliefs, so Mohammad decided to flee to Australia hoping to find safety.  
Read more:

If you want wealth, you need health
Medical experts from the around the world are set to converge on Melbourne next month to ensure health issues are high on the agenda when the leaders of the world’s biggest economies meet next year.  Click here for full article. 

2015 Global Vote for Right to Health
Article 25 is a global movement of everyday people who believe health is a human right.  Starting in January 2015, the group will hold the first-ever global vote for the right to health to decide on which issues and campaigns to advocate on over the following months.  SDOHA members can join this movement by signing up to participate in the vote. 

Flourish (Mental Health Action in Our Hands) Newsletter (Shared by Miranda Ashby) -  Please find attached the link to the Spring edition of our newsletter at:  http://flourishtas.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/flourish_newsletter_spring_2014.pdf

Health, equity and the post-2015 agenda: raising the voices of marginalized communities
International Journal for Equity in Health
Collection published:  October 2014

Edited by: Mr Eric Friedman, Dr Peter Hill, Dr Ana Lorena Ruano 

After more than a year of global consultations, the United Nations convenes to agree on a broad outline of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and begin a year-long state negotiation process.

Concerned that the voices of marginalized communities are not being sufficiently sought out and listened to, the international research consortium 'Goals and Governance for Global Health' (Go4Health) has undergone a series of health-focused consultations in marginalized communities in nine countries to seek their views on their essential health needs, accountability, and more.

Ana Ruano, Eric A Friedman, Peter S HillInternational Journal for Equity in Health 2014

Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (AIHW) Report

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease were the underlying causes of 36% of all deaths in 2011, according to a report released today by the AIHW.  The report shows that cardiovascular disease (including coronary heart disease and stroke), diabetes and chronic kidney disease were together the underlying cause of almost 53,000 deaths in 2011.  For further information click here .

Certificate in Engagement Now in Hobart (shared by Leah Galvin)

16 October 2014

Latest news

1. TasCOSS Conference – Workshop on the need to strengthen connections between health and social services
We'd like to draw your attention to the forth-coming TasCOSS Conference: http://tascoss.org.au/Events/TasCOSSConference.aspx and in particular to invite you to be part of a workshop on Thursday 13th November.

The workshop title is: Common ground: How can the health care and social services sectors strengthen collaborative action to improve outcomes for Tasmanians?

The social services and health care sectors have something significant in common: the majority of people/clients/patients/communities that engage with both these sectors share similar demographic and social characteristics. It is well known that people who experience social disadvantage are over-represented as patients in the health care sector, i.e. greater disadvantage = poorer health. This workshop will engage participants in understanding the extent of the impact of social determinants on Tasmania's health care system, and the associated challenges which result. Knowing that the social services and health care sectors "share the same clientele", the workshop will involve applying a shared problem-solving framework to develop recommendations for actions.    

It would be terrific if many of you could be part of this discussion. As a warm up to this workshop, here’s an interesting paper you may like to read: Time after Time — Health Policy Implications
of a Three-Generation Case Study http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1407153

2. Australian Women’s Health Network
Once again as a Board member of the Australian Women’s Health Network, I am proud to draw your attention to the latest of the series of AWHN position papers - http://www.awhn.org.au/files.php?cat=1. I hope you find it interesting and useful in your work.

For those of you receiving this kind of notice for the first time or for your further interest I recommend the AWHN website (www.awhn.org.au) where you will find a number of other position papers of interest.

From Glynis Flower, Hobart Women’s Health Centre

3. Select Committee on Health
We prepared a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Health. You can find our submission here (pg. 3, No. 41): http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Health/Health/Submissions along with the other submissions. 

The Senate’s Select Committee on Health is holding public hearings in Hobart on the 3rd November, Devonport on the 4th and Launceston the 5th.

4. A glossary of policy frameworks: the many forms of ‘universalism’ and policy targeting A glossary of policy frameworks: the many forms of ‘universalism’ and policy ‘targeting’
The recognition that certain characteristics (such as poverty, disadvantage or membership of marginalised social or cultural groups) can make individuals more susceptible to illness has reignited interest in how to combine universal programs and policies with ones targeted to specific groups. However, ‘universalism’ and ‘targeting’ are used in different ways for different purposes. In this glossary we define different types, and approaches to, universalism and targeting.  We anticipate that greater clarity in relation to what is meant by ‘universalism’ and ‘targeting’ will lead to more nuanced debate and practice in this area. Read more: https://www.academia.edu/8675091/A_glossary_of_policy_frameworks_the_many_forms_of_universalism_and_policy_targeting

5 Cannabis Policy Framework (Canada)
You may be interested in this Cannabis Policy Framework from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Canada, in which we recommend legalization with strict regulation as the most effective means of reducing cannabis-related harms. There are fascinating SDoH dimensions to this topic, which we explore in the document and in this blog that accompanies it. Concerns about equity, particularly in the area of law enforcement, are part of the reason CAMH has moved away from its previous pro-decriminalization position towards one that favours legalization with strict regulation.

6. Invitation to provide input into the development of a Discussion and Options Paper for Safe and Healthy Food in Tasmania
If you were unable to attend the consultation forums that were recently held but would like to provide input, the online survey is now available until 9am, Friday 24 October 2014. 

The following papers will provide the context for both the face-to-face and online consultations and are available on the Population Health Services website:
  •  Background Paper for the Development of a Discussion and Options Paper for Safe and Healthy Food in Tasmania
  • Working in Health Promoting Ways - Principles of Practice.

If you have any queries in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,
Michelle Morgan - Senior Analyst, Policy and Research
Population Health Services | Department of Health and Human Services
2/25 Argyle St Hobart  GPO Box 125 Hobart Tas 7001
Phone (03) 6166 0669 | Email Michelle.Morgan@dhhs.tas.gov.au

7. Addressing Social, Economic and Environmental Determinants of Health and the Health Divide in the Context of Sustainable Human Development
This week IHE and UNDP published a report and policy briefing based on a project aimed at understanding whether, how and in which ways UNDP's development projects in countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia address social, economic and environmental determinants of health and health equity.

Social, economic and environmental factors are embedded in development as the three interlinking pillars of sustainable human development. They also, to a large extent, determine population health and the distribution of health.

While health and development are inextricably linked, health and development practitioners often operate in organisational silos.

In order to realise potential co-benefits for both health and development and to prioritise areas for action, it is necessary to take specific steps to integrate health and development. Bringing health and development together will create opportunities for more impact. This study shows how this can be done in a practical way.

More information can be found on the 'SEEDs project page' on our website.
Best wishes,
The Institute of Health Equity

8. *The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014*: The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014 presents updated estimates of undernourishment and progress towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and World Food Summit (WFS) hunger targets. A stock-taking of where we stand on reducing hunger and malnutrition shows that progress in hunger reduction at the global level and in many countries has continued but that substantial additional effort is needed in others. Read more: http://www.fao.org/publications/sofi/2014/en/

9. From Europe
Video – Health 2020: Better health for Europe - more equitable and sustainable
Health 2020 is the health policy framework for the European region. It aims to support action across government and society to: “significantly improve the health and well-being of populations, reduce health inequalities, strengthen public health and ensure people-centred health systems that are universal, equitable, sustainable and of high quality”. This video introduces the concept and elements of Health 2020.

From Julie Milnes, Health Promotion Coordinator (NW)

10. NW Health Promotion Network meetings
Come along and share your health promotion activities! The videoconference sites are available
from michelle.towle@dhhs.tas.gov.au. Come along and discover what’s going on in the NW of
Tasmania. Final date for 2014 is December 5th.

11. Health Promotion: The Reorient Express
Starting Wednesday 5th November - A 3 week face to face and online course for people working in a clinical setting. This express course will get you on track with easy steps to make a big impact in working in health promoting ways. If you're looking to reorient your service to be more health promoting, then this is the course for you.
Register at the link below

For more information contact Rebecca Essex on 6233 6908  rebecca.essex@dhhs.tas.gov.au
Or Jennie Gorringe on 6233 6652  jennie.gorringe@dhhs.tas.gov.au

12. Analysis of Federal Health Budget: Unfair and unhealthy
This analysis looks at the health and related provisions in the Australian Government’s 2014-15 Budget. 
Shared by Kath McLean, TasCOSS

13. Australian Health Promotion Association Latest Newsletter:
The latest edition of Update is now available. Click here to view. It includes a list of useful tools and resources.

14. 'Local Action on Health Inequalities' - A Series of Reports
Dear Colleagues,
Today we are launching a number of evidence review and breifings about practical, local actions to reduce health inequalities through action on the social determinants of health.

The reports have been commissioned by Public Health England and written and produced by the UCL Institute of Health Equity.

The topics covered relate to some of the policy objectives in the Marmot Review and are intended to provide a useful local focus for action.

The papers include evidence, practical points and case studies on approaches and actions that can be taken by local authorities on a range of issues to reduce health inequalities.

The reports cover the following topic areas:

There is also an overview document available, which introduces the documents, and a video of Michael Marmot introducing the work.

We hope that you find this work useful. Please do get in touch with us with any feedback.
Best wishes,
The Institute of Health Equity

15. Women and Girls in Tasmania:
The Women and Girls in Tasmania Report (the Report) provides a statistical snapshot of the current status of women and girls in Tasmania.

The Report was initiated as a key action under the Tasmanian Women's Plan 2013-2018 (the Women's Plan) as another vital step forward for gender equality in Tasmania by improving the evidence-base we use for policy and service development.

The Report provides a unique baseline profile of women and girls in Tasmania by bringing together a range of data relevant at the commencement of the Women's Plan that spans its six outcome areas: 
·         Health and Wellbeing;
·         Economic Security and Financial Independence;
·         Education and Training;
·         Housing and Homelessness;
·         Safety and Justice; and
·         Leadership and Community Participation.

16. Natural Solutions to Tackling Health Inequalities
‘Natural Solutions to Tackling Health Inequalities’ report highlights the evidence of the benefits of green spaces to health and wellbeing outcomes, and the inequalities in use of, and access to, natural environments across England. Visit: https://www.instituteofhealthequity.org/projects/natural-solutions-to-tackling-health-inequalities

17. Monitoring health inequality: An essential step for achieving health equity
Author: World Health Organization (WHO), September, 2014

This booklet communicates fundamental concepts about the importance of health inequality monitoring, using text, figures, maps and videos. Following a brief summary of main messages, four general principles pertaining to health inequalities are highlighted:
  • health inequalities are widespread
  • health inequality is multidimensional
  • benchmarking puts changes in inequality in context and
  • health inequalities inform policy

Each of the four principles is accompanied by figures or maps that illustrate the concept, a question that is posed as an extension and application of the material, and a link to a video, demonstrating the use of interactive visuals to answer the question. The videos are accessible online by scanning a QR code (a URL is also provided). The next section of the booklet outlines essential steps forward for achieving health equity, including the strengthening and equity orientation of health information systems through data collection, data analysis and reporting practices. The use of visualization technologies as a tool to present data about health inequality is promoted, accompanied by a link to a video demonstrating how health inequality data can be presented interactively. Finally, the booklet announces the upcoming State of inequality report, and refers readers to the Health Equity Monitor homepage on the WHO Global Health Observatory.

Download the booklet here!

The accompanying video clips illustrate fundamental concepts of monitoring health inequality.
For other products on the topic of health inequality monitoring, please visit www.who.int/gho/health_equity/en/

18. Concerns about the future of public health in Tasmania
Read a Croakey article expressing concern about public health and population health in Tasmania. Read it here: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/croakey/2014/09/25/concerns-about-the-future-of-public-health-in-tasmania-some-killer-tweets/ 

17 September 2014

Concern expressed about the abolition of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation and Tasmanian Community Fund

The SDOHAN Advisory Group determined it appropriate that we write to the Premier about the recently proposed abolition of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation and Tasmanian Community Fund Boards. You will find a copy of the letter’s content below. 

8th September 2014

The Honourable Will Hodgman
Premier of Tasmania
Tasmanian Government
GPO Box 123

Dear Premier

Abolition of Tasmanian Early Years Foundation and Tasmanian Community Fund

We write to express concern about the planned abolition of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation and Tasmanian Community Fund Boards. Particularly in relation to the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation it appears as though the Foundation itself will cease to exist. While we understand that the Tasmanian Community Fund will still exist in some form but with a different decision-making body, we are concerned that it will not be truly autonomous from Government decision-making processes. We are writing to seek clarity on these matters, to ask you what will replace these organisations, and how you will ensure that the visions and missions of the organisations will not be lost within the Government system. 

Early childhood is a crucial developmental period. Children who have a good start in life not only have healthier and happier childhoods, but also enjoy far-reaching beneficial effects in adulthood.

There is significant evidence in Tasmania that many children do not experience optimal early life conditions (e.g. 16% of children under 15 years live in poverty, 48% of children in Tasmania are in the bottom child social exclusion quintile, in the last 10 years the number of child protection notifications involving children under 5 years has more than doubled (NATSEM 2013 and Kids Come First 2013)), and this is why the work of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation is so important.

What could be more important than giving every Tasmanian child the best possible start in life as a foundation for a healthy, happy and positive future? This is the vision of the Foundation.

The Foundation has provided many opportunities, in partnership with the Tasmanian community, to support children and their families, and raise awareness and a commitment to the early years of childhood. The Foundation has worked collaboratively to maximise the potential of Child and Family Centres, and much work has been done to support organisations and workers at the coal-face to develop and implement quality, evidence-informed program and initiatives.

We would like to express our deep disappointment at the Government’s proposed abolition of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation and ask that you please explain to us why this decision has been made. Is this really going to save significant amount of money? Surely the health and wellbeing of our children is more important? And isn’t it vital that we have a prominent organisation that sits outside of Government to champion the needs of children in early life?

In respect of the Tasmanian Community Fund Board, again we wish to express our concern at your announcement of its cessation. Many organisations depend on the Tasmanian Community Fund to develop programs and build capacity. We believe it is important that grant programs such as this should operate at arms-length from Government. Can you please clarify for us on what basis this decision has been made?

We are also concerned that there appears to have been no consultation with key stakeholders, or the community at large about these decisions. As a result of this, we are writing this letter and would greatly appreciate your response to these matters.

Kind regards

Miriam Herzfeld
Convenor, Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network

Hon. Michael Ferguson MP, Minister for Health
Hon. Jacquie Petrusma MP, Minister for Human Services
Rebecca White MP, Shadow Minister for Health and Human Services, and Labor Spokesperson for Children
Michelle O’Byrne MP, Shadow Minister for Education
Cassy, O’Connor MP, Greens
Hon. Ruth Forrest, MLC