SDoHAN has a blog! I’m
aware that many people want to ‘network’ and discuss issues. To try and
facilitate this I have set up a blog and I’m hoping this will help, at least a
little. I toyed with the idea of Facebook but realise that not everyone is keen
on FB. So I hope the blog is a good idea. I think you can ‘follow’ it so that
you get updates when people post. I welcome your feedback. I welcome the input
of more social media savvy people than me too! I realise that there is always
more that could and should be done but please bear with me while I sort through
some ‘organisation’ issues and please know that this work is largely voluntary
on my part.
What did you think? Care to share your thoughts on the blog?
There appeared to be some notable deficiencies in the document discussed.
I would urge Tasmanians to make comment on the proposed Framework.