29 November 2013

When it's over, it's over...or is it?

A HUGE THANKYOU to all the people who came to the forum yesterday and the day prior - thankyou to our sponsors and supporters, the speakers, the workshop facilitators, the volunteers, the organising team, C3 Convention Centre and everyone who played a role - no matter the size.

We are a little exhausted - this is true - but also re-energised for a bright future!

We will be in touch soon about where you can access presentations, videos and other information about the past two days.

Best wishes,
Miriam, Richard, Siobhan, Sophia, Glen, Rebecca, Sally C, Sally G, Graeme, Morven, Glynis, Kath, Leigh and Michael

07 November 2013

Meet the Speakers: Our health - who decides?

Below you will find more information about some of the speakers and facilitators that are taking the time to contribute to our exciting event. 

The latest program is further down below.

For information about registration - $170* ($90 Concession) for two days 
and $110* ($60 Concession) for one day - and to register 

(click 'attend' on the home page for detailed information)

For enquirers please email socialdeterminantsofhealthtas@gmail.com 
or phone 0400 480 908

Note: * = Early bird rates close 20 November

Ms Leonie Dickson
Welcome to Country

Leonie is a proud member of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community. Most of her working life has been devoted to her community in the roles of a Field worker, Manager of Women’s Karadi Aboriginal Corporation and currently as Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer with the Royal Hobart Hospital. She has served on a number of local State and National Boards continuing advocacy for self management and cultural, social and economic independence. Leonie is also a contemporary artist who utilises traditional materials and techniques. Her first love is her extensive and closely connected family.

Professor Sharon Friel
Power, money and resources: major drivers of health inequities. In dedication to Professor Gavin Mooney. 

Sharon is currently Professor of Health Equity at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health and Director of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy at the Australian National University. Between 2005 and 2008 she was the head of the Scientific Secretariat, based at University College London, of the World Health Organisation’s landmark global Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Between 2008-2010 she chaired the Rockefeller Foundation global research network on urban health equity (GRNUHE). In 2010 she was awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship to investigate the interface between health equity, social determinants and climate change (particularly through food systems and urbanisation), based at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, ANU. Before moving to Australia, she worked for many years in the Department of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland, Galway. Prof Friel’s research is policy focussed and in areas of social determinants of health; global health; climate change; food systems; non-communicable disease prevention, and urbanisation. She is co-founder of the Global Action for Health Equity Network (HealthGAEN), a global alliance concerned with research, training, policy and advocacy related to action in the social and environmental determinants of health equity, and chairs Asia Pacific-HeathGAEN.

Brendan McKeague
Open Space Technology

Brendan has over 25 years experience as a practitioner of group facilitation and nonviolence and restorative practices, delivering education and consulting in group dynamics and systems theories. He has collaborated with leaders and teams across many sectors including schools, NGO's, churches, government, indigenous, community and private organisations. Brendan has developed a way of working with people and organisations that combines his native Irish spirit with his passion for nonviolent peace-building, self-organisation and emergent design. Through his background in education he has adapted a co-learning approach applicable in all processes. He enjoys working with complexity and diversity in people, in businesses, organizations and communities. He sees conflict as an opportunity for creative responses and healthy growth. 

Dr Roscoe Taylor is a specialist in public health medicine. As Director of Public Health in the state of Tasmania his legislative responsibilities include the Public Health Act, Food Act, Radiation Protection Act, HIV/AIDS Preventive Measures Act.  At the national level in Australia he represents Tasmania on the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, and the Community Care and Population Health Committee, and is a member of the Advisory Council to the Australian National Preventive Health Agency. Roscoe's presentation is titled:Our State of health...or State of inequity?

Ms Maree Gleeson has qualifications in nursing, psychology and education. She has spent the last 28 years in the acute, primary health and community development sectors in which she has lead community based health promotion programs, developed curriculum and taught in primary health in the university and TAFE sectors and also lead research support programs to encourage practitioners to evaluate and share their work. After 10 years with the University of Tasmania she joined Tasmania Medicare Local in February this year to manage the Social Determinants of Health and Health Risk Factors project. She sees her current work as being one of the most significant opportunities to advocate for change and contribute to creating a better Tasmania for all. Maree's presentation is titled: Charting the course of change: Tasmania’s response to addressing the Social Determinants of Health

Richard Benjamin, Cathy Kezelman and Vincent J. Felitti have teamed up to run a workshop called: When we don't decide - childhood trauma as a social determinant of health

Dr Richard Benjamin finished his Psychiatry training with the RANZCP in 2001, and his Adult Psychotherapy training in the Conversational Model of Meares and Hobson (largely a therapy that addresses the adult sequelae of childhood trauma in the therapeutic relationship) in 2009. He works in the adult public mental health service in Tasmania, predominantly in acute and chronic community work, although he also does some inpatient work. He is particularly interested in the recognition and management of the long-term sequelae of childhood abuse in adult patients presenting with serious mental illness, and the systemic response to this patient group. He is also interested more broadly in the system as it impacts upon all patients suffering with mental illness. In community work this particularly involves the issue of continuity of care and of carer, the benefits of the “in-house crisis team,” and the importance of the therapeutic relationship in general. In inpatient work he is also interested in the role of therapeutic engagement, and in the reduction of seclusion and restraint.

Dr Cathy Kezelman is a medical practitioner, mental health consumer advocate, Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA) President, director of Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC), foundation member of the national Trauma Informed Care and Practice Advisory working Group, member of Mental Health Community Advisory Council (NSW), member of reference group for ACCSA (Australian Centre Child Sexual Assault) and on Advisory Panel of Batyr, Advisory Panel of Tzedek. Under her stewardship ASCA has grown from a peer support organisation to the leading national organisation for adult survivors of childhood trauma. ASCA combines a prominent consumer voice with that of researchers, academics and clinicians advocating for socio-political change  and informed responsiveness to complex trauma. She is a prominent voice in the media and at conferences, as well as author of a memoir chronicling her journey of recovery from child sexual abuse: Innocence Revisited- a tale in parts. She is also co-author of the ASCA document - Practice Guidelines for Treatment of Complex trauma and Trauma Informed Care and Service Delivery.

Professor Vincent J. Felitti, MD is a 1962 graduate of the Johns Hopkins Medical School.  He is an internist who, subsequent to being Post Surgeon at the US Army Pine Bluff Arsenal, completed his training at Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland and started as an infectious disease physician in 1968 at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego and then in 1975 founded the Department of Preventive Medicine; he served as the Chief of Preventive Medicine until 2001. In that setting, Dr. Felitti became co-Principal Investigator, with Robert F. Anda MD at the Centers for Disease Control, of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, ongoing collaborative research between the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program and the CDC.  The ACE Study with its more than sixty publications explores prospectively and retrospectively in a 17,000-person cohort the profound relationship of ten categories of adverse life experiences in childhood to health, well being, disease, and death decades later. Under Dr. Felitti’s leadership over the years, the Department of Preventive Medicine provided comprehensive, biopsychosocial medical evaluation to assess the health risks and disease burden of over one million individual adults.  Major health-risk abatement programs were developed for obesity, smoking, and stress, as well as population-based screening for the genetic disease, Hemochromatosis. He is Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California and a Fellow of The American College of Physicians.  He is Senior Editor of The Permanente Journal and on the International Editorial Board of the Swiss medical journal, Trauma und Gewalt.  Dr. Felitti has served on advisory committees of the Institute of Medicine, the American Psychiatric Association, and on the Committee of the Secretary of Health and Human Services for Healthy People 2020.  Presently, he is a member of the Advisory Committee on Women’s Services at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Thriving or diving? Global challenges that will shape the health of all people for all time with Dr Nick Towel

Dr Nick Towle is a medical graduate with a passion for health and sustainability. His varied working life includes work as a resident medical officer in emergency medicine, lecturing in global health and acute care for UTas medical students, advising the state government as a member of the Tasmanian Climate Action Council and teaching Permaculture design and community building. 

Dr Kelly Shaw and Dr Paull Dunne will facilitate a workshop: Dear Departed - why do we invest in death and not life?

Dr Kelly Shaw has worked in the health care sector as a clinician, public health physician, population health academic, health services manager and health consultant. She has a PhD in public health in the field of evidence-based medicine. Kelly has conducted a number of rigorous meta-analyses and systematic reviews of the literature, many of which are published in the peer review literature including the Cochrane Library, and has developed numerous health services practice standards and guidelines.

Dr Paul Dunne AM is a Palliative Medicine Physician in Tasmania. He worked in General Practice in the Bridgewater and Clarence Community Health Centres sine his arrival in Tasmania in 1976.  In 1991 he became the Medical Director of the JW Whittle Palliative Care Unit and has worked as a Palliative Medicine Physician for the past 22 years. He ha sbeen active in policy development in Palliative Care locally and nationally being on the board of Palliative Care Australia,the Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine of the Royal Australian College of Physicians.

What is the magnitude of inequality in child development across Australia and how does this differ across the jurisdictions – implications for policy and service delivery with Dr Sally Brinkman

Dr Sally Brinkman is a social epidemiologist with the majority of her research focusing on societies’ impact on child development. Sally is the Co-Director of the Fraser Mustard Centre, an innovative new initiative between the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research and the South Australia Department of Education and Child Development aimed to improve research translation. Sally is well known for spearheading the use of the Early Development Instrument (EDI) in Australia, being the first to pilot the instrument outside of Canada. Sally continues to work across the country to help facilitate the use of the Australian EDI (AEDI) working with communities, service providers and governments. Internationally, Sally works with Governments and donor organisations such as the World Bank, UNICEF, AusAID and the Bernard Van Leer Foundation working with various measures of child development for monitoring and evaluation purposes. Sally has over 60 publications including books, chapters, monographs and journal articles covering topics such as infant mouthing behaviours, child physical activity and nutrition levels, the measurement of alcohol related violence, the evaluation of teenage pregnancy prevention programs, how child development varies across communities and the impact of socio economics and service integration on child development.

Dr Sheila Given AM will pay tribute to our dear friend, Linda Jamieson. Her talk is titled Our Wonderful Ageing Population. 

Born in Portarlington, Ireland, Dr Sheila Given was educated in Ireland and in 1945 obtained her school certificate from the University of Oxford. In 1949, she successfully gained her National Froebel Foundation Teacher Certificate A (1 st Class). After being widowed at an early age, Sheila raised her four children alone.Since immigrating to Tasmania in 1967, Sheila has served the Tasmanian community in a great variety of educational capacities. She taught at The Friends’ School from 1971 to 1986, becoming the head of the combined Preparatory and Junior Schools. After retiring, she continued her education studies at the University of Tasmania, which culminated in a PhD in Educational Administration in 1993. Sheila is highly regarded within the Tasmanian education community and has been a major advocate for lifelong learning. She was the inaugural President of the University of the Third Age in Kingborough (2000-02), playing a pivotal role in its establishment. She assisted in the development of the Tasmanian Plan for Positive Ageing 2000-05 and co-founded TALENT (the Third Age Learning Network of Tasmania) in 2001. For seven years, Sheila wrote a weekly column about older people for the Sunday Tasmanian. She also wrote the history of The Friends’ School, entitled In the spirit of family: The Friends’ School, Hobart, 1945-1995, published in 1997. Sheila’s exceptional contribution to the community in education has been acknowledged with many awards, including the Margaret Record Award for Outstanding Service to the Tasmanian Chapter of the Australian College of Education, which she received in 1993. Her commitment to advocate for older people was recognised when she was named the Commonwealth Senior Australian in 1999.

Ms Melissa Sweet is a freelance journalist who moderates the public health blog Croakey. She is president of the Public Interest Journalism Foundation, an adjunct senior lecturer in the Sydney School of Public Health at the University of Sydney, and a PhD candidate at the University of Canberra. She tweets as @Croakeyblog. Melissa will report on the forum and run a special Twitter Breakfast Workshop on day two. 

Professor Peter Sainsbury and Professor Marilyn Wise will jointly present: Equitable societies inhabiting a healthy planet

Professor Sainsbury is Director of Population Health in South Western Sydney and Sydney Local Health Districts, NSW Health; Visiting Professor in the Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW; and Associate Professor in the School of Public Health and the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine (VELiM) at Sydney University. He is a life member and past president of the Public Health Association of Australia; and a past member of the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Australian Health Ethics Committee.

Peter’s qualifications and experience cover medicine, health planning, sociology, health services management and public health.  His professional interests include inequalities in health, healthy urban development, social relationships and health, the experience of illness, the history of public health and social policy.  Other interests include human rights, environmental sustainability, figurative war memorials, cooking and eating, the arts, cricket and Florence Nightingale.

Professor Marilyn Wise is a Conjoint Associate Professor at the UNSW Research Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity.  She is an Honorary Fellow of the Australian Health Promotion Association, and served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education for twelve years.

She has more than twenty-five years’ experience in health promotion practice, research, teaching, and policy. She co-convened, with Aboriginal colleagues, the Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Health Promotion at the University of Sydney, teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from around the country. In recent years her work has focused on health equity and public policy, and she is currently undertaking research to identify some of the reasons that it is proving so difficult to eliminate inequities in health in Australia.

Greater equity, better outcomes – the advantages of an integrated health system is the workshop being run by Ms Carolyn GulleryDr Leanne Jones, Ms Melinda Jones and Dr Matthew JoseFacilitated by Mr Phil Edmondson, CEO of Tasmania Medicare Local

About Ms Carolyn Gullery: Since joining Canterbury District Health Board as Planning and Funding General Manager in 2007, Carolyn has played a significant part in reshaping the way health care is delivered in Canterbury. Carolyn brings with her just short of thirty years health system experience in a variety of strategic roles for both public and private sector. She has extensive experience in leading complex planning and change processes at a regional and national level together with a proven track record of successfully negotiating health and disability sector contracts at all levels.
Carolyn is a visionary who believes that the biggest waste in any health system is that of the patient’s time. Since joining Canterbury DHB, she has made it her mission to change that. Carolyn fills a leadership role on the Canterbury Clinical Network - a pivotal, collaborative and innovative alliance of health care leaders from across the system. Canterbury’s vision is of a connected health system, centred around people that’s aims not to waste their time. Alongside chief executive David Meates and the rest of the executive management team, Carolyn champions a whole of system approach to health care through a more integrated way of working based on an alliance framework. Operating collaboratively with all healthcare providers, including ambulance, general practitioners, primary and community based clinicians, hospital based clinicians and administrators to ensure the Canterbury Health System can deliver the right care in the right place at the right time. Carolyn’s career is littered with a number of ‘firsts’ because, as she would say herself, she has a very low boredom threshold and enjoys directing her energy into new and challenging tasks. Her ability to ‘see round corners’ and identify solutions that others haven’t considered combines well with her extensive health policy and health alliancing and contracting experience to get a complex health system on track and keep it there.

Dr Leanne Jones
Leanne Jones is a General Practitioner with 26 years’ experience in the Launceston area which has given her in-depth knowledge of the health issues facing Tasmanians. Leanne is a board member of the General Practice North and served for two years as its chair. Leanne was also a board member of GP Tasmania for eight years. Leanne has a special interest in immunisation, sits on a number of immunisation advisory and reference groups and is the Tasmania Medicare Local spokesperson on immunisation. Leanne is also involved in the education of undergraduate medical students at the University of Tasmania.

Ms Melinda Rose
RN GradDip(Emerg Nur) MN(Emerg)
Melinda Rose is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in the Emergency Department at the Royal Hobart Hospital.  After undertaking her training as a Registered Nurse at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Melinda has worked in a number of roles in emergency nursing in Tasmania and interstate. In Melinda’s current role she leads practice changes based on evidence based clinical standards and guidelines to drive safe, quality, efficient and effective patient care improvements. Melinda is active on a number of clinical advisory, working groups and professional committees both within the Royal Hobart Hospital and across Tasmania.

Professor Matthew Jose
MBBS(Adel) FRACP PhD(Monash)
Matthew Jose is a clinician with extensive experience in both clinical care and academia.  He studied for his MBBS at the University of Adelaide and was awarded his doctorate through Monash University in 2002. As a clinical nephrologist and physician-in-charge of transplantation at Monash Medical Centre 2003-2004, he was local chief investigator for all clinical transplant trials and held several leadership positions.  Matthew was then appointed Director of Renal Services for the Northern Territory and between 2004-2006 was responsible for the care of all people with kidney disease in the Northern Territory. In 2006, Mathew was appointed Head of the Renal Unit at the Royal Hobart Hospital, honorary senior clinical lecturer at the University of Tasmania and an honorary member of the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania. In 2011 he was appointed Professor and Chair of Medicine at the University of Tasmania in addition to his full-time clinical role as a Renal Physician at the Royal Hobart Hospital.

Mr Martin Laverty will facilitate a workshop called: Implementing the social determinants agenda, at local and national levels

Martin is the CEO of Catholic Health Australia. He is the Board Chair of the NSW Heart Foundation, and a member of the National Heart Foundation Board. He is a member of the National Disability Insurance Agency overseeing the establishment of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and is also a member of the NSW Public Service Commission Board. He is also the inaugural Chair of the Social Determinants of Health Alliance. Martin has previously held roles at the NSW Parliament, the NSW Muscular Dystrophy Association and The Smith Family. As Government Director at Burson-Marsteller, he worked in Jakarta for the Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri and in the United Arab Emirates for the Executive Affairs Authority of the Government of Abu Dhabi. He is a former Board director of the NSW Muscular Dystrophy Association, and former Board Chair of the disability service providers Challenge Southern Highlands and Sunshine. Martin holds a Master of Comparative Constitutional Laws, and is a doctoral candidate completing a PhD on the contribution of non-executive directors to organisational outcomes. He has contributed to two books: What If? and Determining the Future: A Fair Go & Health for All, both published by Connor Court. Martin is married with three children.

Sticks and stones: the health and wellbeing effects of discrimination and prejudice with Tasmania's Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Ms Robin Banks

In this workshop, we will explore the known health effects of discrimination and prejudice on health and wellbeing, the correlation between social disadvantage and discrimination and why taking positive action to eliminate prejudice and discrimination will improve more than social cohesion.

Robin Banks has been the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner for Tasmania since July 2010. She has a background in disability law and human rights and in public interest advocacy on a broad range of topics including homelessness, indigenous justice, disability and mental illness, consumer rights, access to essential services such as power and water, and women and imprisonment. She seeks to balance the demands of dealing with complaints made under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (Tas) with proactive strategies to reduce - even eliminate - discrimination.

Ms Jo Magee, Ms Di Webb and Mr Chris Baker will facilitate the workshop: Health Equity: finding the evidence, making the argument, creating the change

Jo Magee and Di Webb work in the Population Health Equity Unit of DHHS.  Jo is leading work on the development of a health equity framework and Di is leading work on health literacy.  Both are looking to further understand health equity and how to address the barriers to better health and wellbeing for all Tasmanians, especially for groups and communities most vulnerable to experiencing poor health outcomes.

Chris Baker is a medical student with an interest in Population Health, Environmental health and the interaction and association between these. He is developing a greater understanding of health equity and is interested in the role of the health professional in addressing the social determinants of health, and how this role fits into the broader picture of societal factors that influence health outcomes for the individual.

Mr Bill Pearson will facilitate a workshop called: Traditional Medicine – how do we define it and its role within primary health care

A past national President of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society and made a Life Member, Bill has been an Acupuncturist since the 80s. Moving to Hobart in 1989 he opened Tasmania’s first Naturopathic College, was a regular on WIN TVs Tasmania Today and had a regular ABC radio talk back programme. A regular invited guest to China he has worked at the Xin Tang County hospital, signed an agreement with the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, studied Qigong under Professor Xu Hongtao and lectured at the China Academy, the Minzu University in Beijing as well as conducting seminars in Osaka and Tokyo. Opening Jian Shen School of Tai Chi and Qigong in 2000, apart from the Schools regular classes Bill has held private classes for the Premiere’s Department, Calvary Hospital, the Department of Infrastructure and Energy, Transend, Calvary Hospital and the School has appeared at such events as at Australia Day, Taste of the World and Seniors week. Bill’s workshop will introduce the participants to aspects of Tai Chi and Qigong whilst talking on the vision of having natural medicine as an integral part of primary health care.

Professor Dora Marinova will give a special presentation in honour of Del Weston: The political economy of global warming and the need for systematic transformational change: dedication to Del Weston

Dora Marinova completed her PhD in Bulgaria 23 years ago on an interdisciplinary topic which explored the effects of R&D investments, including a large comparison between countries’ performances and a novel method of measuring the time lag between R&D spending and economic outcomes. She has since published 400 publications in the form of books (6), refereed book chapters (40), refereed journal articles (92), public policy reports (31), refereed conference papers (130) and others (132). A large number of her publications are in the field of innovation (at global, national, regional and firm levels) She has also won research grants with a total value of 4 million dollars.

From a theoretical point of view, original contributions of her research are: (1) innovation models and the concept of a global green system of innovation; (2) revival of the concepts of self-reliance and formulation of principles that allow integration of creativity, environmental care and good quality of life; (3) conceptualising the issues of recognition of Indigenous knowledge outside the intellectual property (e.g. patents, copy rights and places of origin) system; and (4) the newly emerging area of sustainometrics which relates to modeling and measuring of sustainability.

Dora has worked as a Lecturer at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria, as Head of School at the Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy at Murdoch University and is currently Professor and Deputy Director of the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute.

Dora has supervised to successful completion 44 high degree by research students, including 42 PhDs. One of them was Del Weston who completed her Research Masters with Training with the thesis “Democracy and political economy of genetic engineering” and her PhD with the thesis “The political economy of global warming”. Dora Marinova’s participation in this conference is tribute to the work of Del Weston.

Professor Ron Labonte
From structural adjustment to austerity: neo-liberalism’s globalised pathology

Ronald Labonté holds a Canada Research Chair in Globalization and Health Equity and is Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa. His work focuses on the health equity impacts of contemporary globalization, on which he has published extensively. From 2005 until 2008 he chaired the Globalization Knowledge Network for the World Health Organization’s Commission on the Social Determinants of Health, some of the work of which is published in the book, Globalization and Health: Pathways, Evidence and Policy (Routledge, 2009). Present research interests include health equity impacts of comprehensive primary health care reforms; health worker migration; medical tourism; global health diplomacy; globalization, trade and tobacco control; and trade and food security. He is active with the Peoples Health Movement.

Professor Fran Baum 
Structural Violence, Neo-liberalism and public health: impacts ohealth and what structures might create healthier and more equitable societies

Professor Fran Baum is Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor and an Australia Research Council Federation Fellow at Flinders University, Adelaide. She is also Foundation Director of the Southgate Institute for Health, Society and Equity and has conducted extensive research on aspects of the social determinants of health and health equity and comprehensive primary health care.  She is a member of the Global Steering Council of the People’s Health Movement. She also served as a Commissioner on the World Health Organisation’s Commission on the Social Determinants of Health from 2005-08. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and of the Australian Health Promotion Association.  She is a past National President and Life Member of the Public Health Association of Australia.

Staff from TasCOSS Social Policy and Research Unit will facilitate a workshop titled: Eliminating Poverty in Tasmania

Meg Webb is the Manager of Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) Social Policy and Research Unit and has been working in the Tasmanian community services sector over a decade, including in volunteer programs and with older Tasmanians. Her current social policy interests include children and families, older Tasmanians, gender issues and health.

Kath McLean is a Senior Policy and Research Officer at the Tasmanian Council of Social Service. She has worked with the community services sector in both Sydney and Tasmania, including teaching in the TAFE welfare work and community services courses for many years. Her current social policy interests include energy, health, human rights and equity issues.

Ms Glynis Flower will work with Ms Morven Andrews to workshop: Health Equity: a snapshot through a gender lens

Glynis Flower was born and studied in the UK before  moving to Australia over 30 years ago. She has over 23 years experience in community sector management across the arts, health, economic, social, cultural and community development. She is currently the Executive Officer of the Hobart Women’s Health Centre, a health promotion charity funded by the state government to provide services for women by women. The Centre adopts the World Health Organisation’s definition of health -"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". The centre undertakes a number of outreach, information and consultative programs throughout the State. It also has a significant role in individual and systemic advocacy for women.

During lunchtimes on both days, Ms Roz Wren and Ms Gwen Egg will invite participants to partake in a creative activity. 

Gwen Egg is a textile artist and teacher. She enjoys working with natural fibres, getting to know the plants she uses and the environments in which they flourish. She values community and is interested in the stories and cultural practices which inform the use of materials and weaving techniques. Gwen is a popular and responsive teacher. She is enthusiastic about her involvement in collaborative and community arts projects and is convinced that making art can both connect and change us.

Roz Wren is a freelance artist, designer and maker. Initially trained in London in window display and design, she worked in that field for ten years and taught visual merchandising at her former college. Roz became involved in theatrical design and costume manufacture after migrating to Australia. In 2000 she was the recipient of an ‘Emerging Theatre Artists’ grant and worked with Terrapin Puppet Theatre learning the craft of puppet design and construction. Since then, Roz’s sphere of experience has broadened considerably, also encompassing the roles of:-

·         Community Artist.
·         Arts Workshops Provider.
·         Festival & Corporate Event Designer.

Currently Roz is:-
  •  Designing and making two installations for a Moonah Arts Centre exhibition starting 29th November 2013. Titled ‘A New Room’, Roz’s role is to respond to the work of two artists working with a disability, and, in collaboration with them create the elements for ‘A New Room’.
  •  Organising two art’s workshops for Melbourne City Council’s New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Recent work:-
  • Puppet making workshop at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
  •  Designer for Hobart’s Tall Ships Festival.
  •  Designed and made costumes, sets and props for Big Monkey’s. production of ‘Robin Hood’ in the Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens.
  • A 10 week mentoring programme, working with Bruny Island School’s students to create puppets and sets for an end of year performance with an Indonesian flavour.
  •  2012 & 2013 Moomba Parade Community Artist. Designed two large scale pageant floats (one each year), they were then decorated under my direction by an estimated total of 1000 members of the public during the Moomba Festival in Melbourne.
  •  Art Camp Leader at the Falls Festival. Worked with young volunteers to design and make giant sculptures/puppets for the NYE Parade.

 For images of her work, please visit www.rozwren.com 

On Wednesday during the lunch break, join Mr Christian Parr for some Social Circus

Christian Parr started juggling in England over 20 years ago and has since travelled the world with his circus skills. For the last 3 years Christian has been based in Tasmania, co-managing a small mobile social enterprise called Social Circus Tasmania. 

Drawing on Christian's extensive experience working within the circus industry, Social Circus Tasmania has been busy developing a series of innovative circus projects with specific aims and objectives.  

Projects include, intergenerational and family workshops, workshops with at-risk youth and elders workshops.  Practical outcomes include participants making their own circus equipment, learning to teach on their skills and the creation of community performances.  All workshops are delivered in a style that encourages personal development, strengthens relationships and builds community capacity.

Other lunchtime activities include: 

Rivulet Walk: From the Forum venue, take a 10 minute stroll along the rivulet to the Cascades Female Factory to meet with Dr Trudy Cowley. Trudy will provide a short tour of this World Heritage site and introduce some of the literature which documents the history and significance of this factory, including her own book Patchwork Prisoners, which she co- authored and was recently launched by the Premier of Tasmania. A gold coin donation towards the upkeep of this historical site would be appreciated.

Nourish Women’s Choir is a vibrant choir of around 25 - 35 women that began in 2009. They make beautiful music with a wide range of repertoire, including popular music that has been arranged by Choir Director Betsy Hanson, African and songs from other cultures. They are often joined by Robbie, Betsy's brother on djembe.

Social Determinants of Health Advocacy Network

Our health – who decides?

27th & 28th November 2013

DRAFT Forum Program (last updated 13 November 2013)

Day 1


Registration opens


Welcome to Country with Ms Leonie Dickson

Welcome to Conference with Ms Miriam Herzfeld


A tribute to our parents and reflections on our family's experiences of health services

Ms Katherine Weston and Mr Alex Soares


Power, money and resources: major drivers of health inequities

In dedication to Gavin Mooney

Professor Sharon Friel
Professor of Health Equity, National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health and Director of the Menzies Centre for Health Policy, Australian National University


Open space with Mr Brendan McKeague and Dr Peter Wilde


Morning tea

Our State of Health....or State of Inequity?

Dr Roscoe Taylor
Chief Health Officer and Director of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania

Open space is also available at this time
Charting the Course of Change: Tasmania’s Response to addressing the Social Determinants of Health  

Ms Maree Gleeson
Manager of Social Determinants of Health and Health Risk Factors Project, Tasmania Medicare Local

Open space is also available at this time


Lunch including social activities – Meet the speakers, Nourish Choir, Social Circus and arts activity


Open space is also available at this time
Concurrent workshops including:

Thriving or diving? Global challenges that will shape the health of all people for all time. Dr Nick Towle (Lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania and member of the Tasmanian Climate Action Council)

When we don't decide - childhood trauma as a social determinant of health. Dr Richard Benjamin (Public Psychiatrist, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania), Dr Cathy Kezelman (President , Adults Surviving Child Abuse), with input from Dr Vincent Felitti (Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California)

Health Equity - a Snapshot through a Gender Lens. Ms Glynis Flower (Executive Officer, Hobart Women’s Health Centre) and Ms Morven Andrews

Dear Departed - why do we invest in death and not life? Dr Kelly Shaw (Public Health Epidemiologist, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania, Associate Professor, Southern Cross University and Lecturer at the University of Tasmania) and Dr Paul Dunne (Palliative Medicine Physician, Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania)

Eliminating Poverty in Tasmania: Ms Kath McLean and Ms Meg Webb (Social Policy and Research Team, Tasmanian Council of Social Service)

Tackling health disparities through intersectoral collaboration: what works and what doesn't and what we might do in Tasmania, Associate Professor Stella Stevens, Dr Linda Murray and Associate Professor Kate Macintyre (School of Medicine, University of Tasmania)


Afternoon tea

What is the magnitude of inequality in child development across Australia and how does this differ across the jurisdictions – implications for policy and service delivery

Dr Sally Brinkman
Co-director, Fraser Mustard Centre and Program Manager, Faculty Member, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research (SA)

Open space is also available at this time
Our wonderful ageing population
In dedication to Ms Linda Jamieson

Dr Sheila Given
Chair of the former Positive Ageing Steering Committee

Open space is also available at this time


Evening news with Ms Melissa Sweet and Mr Brendan McKeague


Close and post forum time

Day 2

Twitter Workshop

Optional breakfast workshop with Ms Melissa Sweet, Freelance Journalist, Croakey Blog Moderator


Registration opens


Morning news with Mr Brendan McKeague

Welcome to Conference with Ms Siobhan Harpur

Equitable societies inhabiting a healthy planet

Professor Peter Sainsbury
Director of Population Health in South Western Sydney and Sydney Local Health Districts, NSW Health; Visiting Professor in the Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW; and Associate Professor in the School of Public Health and the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine (VELiM) at Sydney University

Professor Marilyn Wise
Conjoint Associate Professor at the UNSW Research Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity

Open space is also available at this time


Morning tea and book launch of Dr Del Weston’s book, The Political Economy of Global Warming: The Terminal Crisis


Open space is also available at this time
Concurrent workshops including:

Greater equity, better outcomes – the advantages of an integrated health system. Ms Carolyn Gullery (Planning and Funding General Manager, Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand), with input from Dr Leanne Jones, Ms Melinda Jones and Dr Matthew Jose (Lead Clinician Group, Department of Health & Human Services, Tasmania) and facilitated by Mr Phil Edmondson (CEO, Tasmania Medicare Local)

Sticks and stones: the health and wellbeing effects of discrimination and prejudice: Ms Robin Banks (Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Tasmania)

Traditional Medicine – how do we define it and its role within primary health care: Mr Bill Pearson (Director, Life Member, Australian Traditional Medicine Society

Health Equity: finding the evidence, making the argument, creating the change: Ms Di Webb, Ms Jo Magee and Mr Chris Baker (Population Health, Department of Health and Human Services)

Implementing the social determinants agenda, at local and national levels: Mr Martin Laverty (Chair of the Social Determinants of Health Alliance)
Lunch including social activities - tai chi, rivulet walk and arts activity

The Political Economy of Global Warming and the need for systematic transformational change.
In dedication to Del Weston

Professor Dora Marinova
Professor & Deputy Director of the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute
Open space is also available at this time
From structural adjustment to austerity: neo-liberalism’s globalised pathology

Professor Ron Labonte
Canadian Research Chair in Globalization and Health Equity and is Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


Structural Violence, Neo-liberalism and public health: impacts on health and what structures might create healthier and more equitable societies

Professor Fran Baum
Member, People’s Health Movement Global Steering Council and Director of the Southgate Institute of Health, Society and Equity, and the South Australian Community Health Research Unit, at Flinders University, SA

Open space is also available at this time


Convergence and action planning with Mr Brendan McKeague and Ms Miriam Herzfeld


Afternoon Tea

Closing circle and presentation of artistic creation

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0400 480 908